Complete Parking Lot Barrier Guide for Modern Businesses

Ensure the safety and security of your business with a parking lot barrier. Learn all about the latest innovations and features in this guide.

Complete Parking Lot Barrier Guide for Modern Businesses
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From ensuring safety and security to enhancing efficient parking lot design, parking lot barriers play a crucial role. When considering parking lot design, it is essential to ponder the many benefits that parking lot barriers offer. Whether you are a business owner planning to increase the safety of your parking lot or a municipality looking to regulate the flow of traffic, parking lot barriers can provide numerous advantages. In the upcoming blog, we will delve into the benefits of parking lot barriers and the various types available in the market. Stay tuned to discover how you can enhance your parking lot design with these crucial installations.

What Is a Parking Lot Barrier and Why Its Important

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parking lot barrier
Parking lot barriers are essential for the smooth flow of traffic within parking lots. By controlling vehicle access, barriers help manage traffic flow, prevent congestion, and ensure safety for both pedestrians and drivers. Barriers contribute to security within parking lots by restricting unauthorized access and deterring criminal activities such as theft or vandalism. By installing barriers, parking lot owners can monitor and regulate the entry and exit of vehicles, reducing the risk of accidents and crimes. Parking lot barriers are indispensable tools for enhancing traffic management and security within parking lots.

What Are the Different Types of Parking Lot Barriers?

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parking lot barrier

Boom Barriers

Boom barriers, also known as gate arms, are one of the most common types of parking lot barriers. They consist of a horizontal arm that can be raised or lowered to control vehicle access. Boom barriers are ideal for controlling the flow of vehicles in high-traffic areas, such as commercial parking lots or gated communities. They can be automated with advanced features like automatic opening and closing mechanisms, remote control, and integration with access control systems.

One-Way Barriers

One-way barriers work exactly as the name suggests – they allow traffic to pass in only one direction. Placing a one-way barrier at the entrance and the exit of your parking lot ensures that the flow of traffic maintains correct and efficient. Many one-way barriers do not require an attendant to ensure proper use.


Bollards are sturdy, vertical posts that are typically made of steel or concrete. They are installed in strategic locations to prevent unauthorized vehicle entry. Bollards are commonly used in areas where vehicle access needs to be restricted, such as pedestrian zones, restricted parking areas, or sensitive facilities. They can be fixed or retractable, offering flexibility in controlling access based on specific requirements.

Sliding Gates

Sliding gates are a popular choice for securing entrances and exits of parking lots, residential complexes, and commercial properties. They operate by sliding horizontally to open or close the entrance. Sliding gates can be automated and equipped with advanced features like remote control, sensors, and integration with surveillance systems. They provide a high level of security while allowing for easy access and convenience.


Turnstiles are commonly used in parking facilities that require controlled access for pedestrians. They consist of rotating arms or gates that allow one person to pass through at a time. Turnstiles are effective in managing pedestrian flow, preventing unauthorized entry, and improving overall security in parking areas. They can be integrated with access control systems and surveillance cameras for enhanced security.

Parqour Invites You to Shift Your Parking Operation into Top Gear

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and improves the customer experience. It offers real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments. We operate in more than 22 countries, 300+ parking areas, and have detected over 100M+ vehicles. Parqour offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform to increase revenue, reduce operational cost and enhance transparency.
Say goodbye to piecing together different vendors and integrations. No need to spend huge capital on bulky hardware. Control all operations from one platform. Contactless parking and online payment methods make the parking experience easier for your customers too.
The end result:
  • Higher utilization and lower operating costs
  • 99.6% license plate recognition rate
  • Online QR payment & 3rd party APIs (integrated with Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, PayByPhone)
  • Data analytics (real-time occupancy, revenue, utilization, parking trends)
  • Validation and permit management (free flow access for approved drivers)
  • 24/7 remote control system
  • Hardware with zero upfront costs
  • Zoning and violation detection (control POD, VIP and nested zones), and much more!
Book a free demo to learn about how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

7 Benefits of Using Parking Lot Barriers

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parking lot barrier

1. Enhanced Safety

Investing in high-quality parking lot barriers provides a physical barrier that prevents unauthorized access and protects vehicles and pedestrians from potential harm. They help regulate the flow of vehicles, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

2. Deterrence of Crime

High-quality barriers act as a deterrent to potential criminals. The visible physical barrier sends a strong message that unauthorized entry is not tolerated, discouraging individuals from attempting to commit crimes in the parking lot. This reduces the risk of theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities.

3. Controlled Access

High-quality barriers allow you to control who enters and exits your parking lot. By implementing access control systems, you can ensure that only authorized individuals are granted access, improving overall security and preventing unauthorized parking.

4. Integration with Surveillance Systems

High-quality barriers can be integrated with surveillance systems, such as CCTV cameras, to provide additional security. This allows for real-time monitoring and recording of activities in the parking lot, enhancing overall safety and providing valuable evidence in case of incidents.

5. Durability and Reliability

High-quality barriers are designed to withstand various weather conditions and potential threats. They are made from durable materials that can withstand impact and resist tampering. Investing in quality ensures that your barriers will perform effectively and require minimal maintenance over time.

6. Insurance Premiums

Implementing high-quality parking lot barriers can result in lower insurance premiums. Insurance companies consider various factors when calculating premiums, including the level of security measures in place. By demonstrating a commitment to safety and security, you may be eligible for premium discounts or better coverage options

7. Business Reputation

A secure parking lot enhances the reputation of your business or property. This can result in increased customer satisfaction, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. The long-term financial benefits of a strong reputation outweigh the initial investment in high-quality parking.

How Does a Parking Lot Barrier Work?

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parking lot barrier
Barrier gates are a common sight in parking lots around the world. They serve as an essential tool for managing traffic flow, ensuring safety, and controlling access to parking facilities. There are several types of barrier gate systems that can be used to achieve these goals. Here are some of the most common types and how they work.

Ticket System

One of the most popular uses of barrier gates is the ticket system. In this setup, a ticket is dispensed upon entry, which must be surrendered and paid for before leaving the parking facility. This system helps track the number of vehicles in the lot and ensures that each driver pays the required fee.

Access Control

Access control systems are commonly used in apartment buildings, offices, and hotels. They provide authorized residents or employees with a credential, such as a key card, to allow entry and exit from the parking facility. This system is especially useful for gated communities and office complexes.

Call Button

Another access control mechanism is the call button, which allows visitors to contact their host for permission to enter the parking facility. This feature is particularly important in residential complexes and office buildings where visitors need to be granted access.

Remote Control

Remote control barrier gate systems operate similarly to garage door openers. Authorized individuals are given a remote control that can activate the gate mechanism when they approach. This feature is ideal for frequent visitors and service workers who need regular access.

Payment or Validation

Cities often use barrier gates to charge for parking. These systems can be set to charge a flat rate upon entry or exit, or by the hour using a ticket system. Some facilities offer validation for free parking, which is recognized by a separate barcode.

Emergency Vehicle Sirens

Emergency services need quick access to parking lots and gated communities. Barrier gates can be configured to recognize emergency vehicle sirens and allow entry without the need for a ticket or authorization.

Free In or Out

Some parking facilities offer free entry or exit points controlled by sensors that automatically lift the gate. These systems are particularly useful in facilities that charge a flat rate upon entry.

Safety Features on Barrier Gates

Barrier gates are equipped with safety features to protect vehicles and pedestrians from accidents. These features include warning lights, obstruction sensors, and breakaway bolts. These mechanisms help prevent damage to both the gate and vehicles, as well as reduce the risk of injury in case of collisions.
  • Best Parking Lot Designs
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parking lot barrier
In the US, legal requirements such as ADA regulations and local zoning laws play a crucial role in determining the feasibility of installing parking barriers. Ensuring compliance with these rules and regulations is essential. Local building codes and zoning regulations also have a significant impact on parking lot design and barrier placement. For instance, in Mentor, Ohio, barriers must be placed in a specific manner to safeguard pedestrians and vehicles. Gaps between barriers should not exceed 54 inches, and bollards need to be positioned at specific intervals to prevent vehicle impacts.

Streamlining Parking Operations with Parqour

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and enhances the customer experience through real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments. Over 22 countries, 300+ parking areas, and 100M+ vehicles have utilized Parqour. Operating on a comprehensive end-to-end management platform, Parqour boosts revenue, reduces operational costs, and enhances transparency.
With no need to piece together different vendors and integrations or invest in expensive hardware, Parqour offers control over all operations from one platform. Easier parking experiences for customers through contactless parking and online payment methods lead to higher utilization and lower operating costs.
Parqour boasts:
  • 99.6% license plate recognition rate
  • Online QR payments
  • Validation
  • Permit management
  • Remote control systems
  • Hardware with zero upfront costs
  • Zoning and violation detection, and much more!
Book a free demo to learn about how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

How Easy Is It to Install a Parking Lot Barrier?

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parking lot barrier
When it comes to installing parking lot barriers, the process can vary depending on the type of barrier. Bollards, gate arms, and chain link fences are some common types, each with its own unique installation requirements. Bollards are typically easier to install, while gate arms and chain link fences require more time and effort due to their complexity.
For bollards, installation involves drilling into the ground and securing with concrete, making it a straightforward process. On the other hand, gate arms require both mechanical and electrical setups, demanding a stable base and connections to power sources and control mechanisms. Chain link fences involve more extensive work, including setting up posts, unrolling mesh, and ensuring secure attachments across a large area.

Professional vs. DIY Installation

Professional installation is recommended for most parking barriers, especially automated systems. While some barriers can be installed by a DIY enthusiast with the right tools and skills, professional installation is ideal for ensuring compliance with local building codes and safety standards. Professionals can handle complications arising from site conditions and minimize the risk of errors. In short, professional installation ensures that barriers function correctly right from the start.

How to Choose the Perfect Parking Lot Barrier for Your Needs

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parking lot barrier

Security Needs

When it comes to the security of your parking lot, it's essential to weigh your options carefully. For high-security environments, automatic barriers are the way to go. These state-of-the-art systems come equipped with advanced access control features that provide an extra layer of protection for your property.

Budget Constraints

While manual parking barriers are typically more budget-friendly, it's important to consider the long-term benefits of investing in an automatic system. While the upfront cost might be higher, the added security and convenience could pay off in the long run.

Space Availability

To determine the most suitable type of barrier for your parking lot, you must first take a look at the available space. Consider the width of entrances and exits, the presence of obstacles, and the overall layout of the parking area. These factors will help you determine the best type of barrier and the specific installation requirements needed.

Ease of Use

Choosing barriers that are user-friendly is essential for both staff and visitors. Look for features like remote control, automatic opening and closing mechanisms, and integration with access control systems. The easier the system is to use, the more seamless the experience will be for everyone involved.


Aesthetics play a significant role in the overall look and feel of your property. Make sure to consider the design and architecture of the building or parking lot and select barriers that complement these features. Customization options such as color, branding, and signage can help create a visually appealing environment that ties everything together.

Best Practices to Keep Your Parking Lot Barrier in Top Shape

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Regular Inspections

To ensure the longevity and functionality of parking lot barriers, it is critical to schedule regular inspections of the barriers. During these inspections, look out for any potential issues or signs of wear and tear. Pay attention to the physical condition of the barriers, including the mechanical components, electrical systems, and any integrated features. By addressing any repairs or maintenance needs promptly, you can prevent further damage and ensure the continuous functionality of the barriers.

Cleaning and Lubrication

Regular cleaning of parking lot barriers is essential to remove dirt, debris, and other contaminants that may impact their performance. Make sure to use appropriate cleaning agents and techniques to avoid damaging the barrier's surface or components.Don't forget to apply lubrication to moving parts, such as hinges and joints, to ensure smooth operation.

Testing and Calibration

Periodically testing the barriers is essential to ensure they are functioning correctly. Test the opening and closing mechanisms, sensor systems, and any integrated features of the barriers. Calibration might also be necessary to maintain accurate operation and prevent malfunctions.

Staff Training

Providing proper training to staff members responsible for operating and maintaining the barriers is crucial. Ensure that they understand the correct procedures for opening and closing the barriers, troubleshooting common issues, and addressing minor repairs. This will help minimize downtime and ensure efficient operation.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience with Parqour -Book A Free Demo Today

Parqour is a revolutionary software platform that is designed to streamline parking operations and enhance the customer experience. With this powerful tool, we offer a wide range of cutting-edge features that can transform your parking facilities into highly efficient and customer-friendly spaces.
Our platform provides real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payment options. We have a global presence, operating in over 22 countries and serving more than 300 parking areas. To date, we have successfully detected over 100 million vehicles and have helped numerous clients optimize their parking operations.

Enhancing Revenue and Reducing Operational Costs

One of the key benefits of Parqour is its ability to increase revenue and reduce operational costs for parking facility operators. By providing a comprehensive end-to-end management platform, we empower our clients to take full control of their parking facilities. Say goodbye to the days of juggling multiple vendors and integrations.
With Parqour, you can consolidate all your operations into a single, user-friendly platform. Our contactless payment options and online payment methods make the parking experience seamless for your customers, resulting in higher utilization rates and lower operating costs.

Key Features of Parqour

Parqour offers a wide range of features that are designed to optimize parking operations and enhance the customer experience. Some of the key features include:
  • 99.6% license plate recognition rate
  • Online QR payment options
  • Integration with third-party APIs such as Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, and PayByPhone.
  • Provides robust data analytics capabilities, including real-time occupancy data, revenue tracking, utilization metrics, and parking trends analysis.
  • Offers validation and permit management tools, allowing for free-flow access for approved drivers.

Experience the Parqour Difference

If you're ready to take your parking operation to the next level, Parqour is here to help. Book a free demo today to learn more about how our platform can revolutionize your parking facility and transform your operations. With Parqour, you can take control of your parking facility, increase revenue, reduce operational costs, and provide a seamless parking experience for your customers.

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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