The Complete Guide to Choosing the Right Parking Lot Designer

From layout and design to materials and cost, this guide will walk you through the steps of choosing the best parking lot designer for your needs.

The Complete Guide to Choosing the Right Parking Lot Designer
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Are you dreaming of a parking lot design that wows your visitors at first sight? Are you seeking to make a bold statement with your asphalt? If so, a parking lot designer is the person to call. A parking lot designer can create curb appeal, ensure safety and functionality, and improve accessibility. Entrusting a professional parking lot designer with your parking lot project means you'll get stunning results that will impress your clients! So, shall we get started?

What is a Parking Lot Designer and What They Do

Parking Lot Designer
Parking Lot Designer

Role of a Parking Lot Designer

Parking lot designers are specialists who create efficient and effective parking lot designs that cater to the specific needs of a business or property. They consider various elements to ensure the parking lot is well-designed and functional. The focus is on elements like size, space, flow control, safety features, and accessibility to create a well-functioning parking lot.

Efficiency and Profitability

Parking lot designers optimize the layout to maximize the number of parking spaces, increasing potential profits for businesses. They focus on creating a design that achieves maximum efficiency and profitability for the property or business owners.

Safety Measures

Safety is a top priority for parking lot designers. They incorporate features like bollards, wheel stops, speed bumps, and proper drainage to reduce accidents and liability risks. By introducing safety features, designers ensure a secure parking environment for customers and users.

Accessibility Guidelines

Designers ensure that parking spaces for individuals with disabilities are clearly marked and easily accessible, meeting ADA guidelines. This dedication to accessibility ensures that the parking lot is inclusive and accommodating to all users, promoting equality and convenience for everyone.

Aesthetic Enhancement

Parking lot designers may include landscaping elements like trees, flowers, and hedges to enhance the overall appearance of the parking lot. By incorporating these aesthetic enhancements, designers create an inviting and visually appealing space that complements the surrounding environment.

Expertise and Experience

With their expertise and experience, can create layouts that enhance traffic flow, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce maintenance costs. Their knowledge and skills allow them to develop innovative solutions that address specific challenges and requirements, ensuring optimal performance and functionality.

7 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Parking Lot Designer

Parking Lot Designer
Parking Lot Designer

1. Longevity and Durability

Professional parking lot designers ensure that the parking lot is constructed with high-quality materials and techniques, leading to a long-lasting and durable parking lot. This means less maintenance in the long run and a parking lot that looks new for a longer time.

2. Improved Safety

A professionally designed parking lot is designed with safety in mind, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries for pedestrians and drivers. Reduced liability risks and accidents are just some of the benefits of hiring professional parking lot designers.

3. Improved Curb Appeal

A well-designed parking lot can enhance the overall appearance of the property, making it more attractive to customers and increasing the property's value. Curb appeal is important for any property and a well-designed parking lot can improve your property's curb appeal significantly.

4. Optimized Traffic Flow

Professional parking lot designers can create an efficient traffic flow design, reducing the risk of collisions and easing the stress of customers. An optimized traffic flow design can lead to a better parking experience for customers.

5. Accessibility

Professionals can ensure that parking spaces for individuals with disabilities are designed and marked according to ADA guidelines, improving accessibility and reducing liability risks. Professional parking lot designers can also help in avoiding legal troubles based on the compliance of parking lots with ADA guidelines.

6. Reduced Maintenance Costs

A professionally designed parking lot is less likely to require costly repairs, saving business owners money in the long run. Maintenance costs are reduced when you hire a professional to design your parking lot in the first place.

7. Expertise and Experience

Professional parking lot designers have the expertise and experience necessary to design and construct a parking lot that meets the specific needs of a business, ensuring that the parking lot is functional, safe, and attractive. The expertise and experience of a professional designer can lead to a parking lot that meets all the needs of your business.

Enhancing Parking Operations and Customer Experience

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and improves the customer experience. It offers real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments. We operate in more than 22 countries, 300+ parking areas, and have detected over 100M+ vehicles. Parqour offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform to increase revenue, reduce operational cost and enhance transparency.
Say goodbye to piecing together different vendors and integrations. No need to spend huge capital on bulky hardware. Control all operations from one platform. Contactless parking and online payment methods make the parking experience easier for your customers too.
The end result:
  • Higher utilization and lower operating costs
  • 99.6% license plate recognition rate
  • Online QR payment & 3rd party APIs (integrated with Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, PayByPhone)
  • Data analytics (real-time occupancy, revenue, utilization, parking trends)
  • Validation and permit management (free flow access for approved drivers)
  • 24/7 remote control system
  • Hardware with zero upfront costs
  • Zoning and violation detection (control POD, VIP and nested zones), and much more!
Book a free demo to learn about how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

Costs Associated With Hiring a Professional Parking Lot Designer

Parking Lot Designer
Parking Lot Designer
When engaging a professional parking lot designer, several costs come into play, influencing the overall expense. The size of the lot, materials used, labor costs, market prices, and freight fees all contribute to the final tally.
  • The cost of parking lot construction can fluctuate significantly, ranging from $10,000 to $700,000.
  • Asphalt parking lots cost between $2.50 and $4.50 per square foot, while concrete lots range from $4 to $7 per square foot.
  • Labor costs for contractors constructing a parking lot vary widely, typically falling between $15 to $26 per hour, with most projects in the $17 to $25 range. Urban areas might experience higher labor costs due to heightened competition for workers.
  • Incorporating additional features can also impact expenses, such as lighting, landscaping, or sign installation.
  • Parking lot striping, which includes marking each spot, stenciling fire lanes, accessible spaces, crosswalks, and loading zones, can add $500 to $2,000 or more for a full-size lot.
Professional parking lot designers ensure compliance with ADA regulations and local building codes, potentially avoiding costly fines and legal repercussions down the line. Regular maintenance expenses like cleaning, repairs, and repainting accumulate over time, warranting consideration in the total cost of hiring a professional parking lot designer.

7 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Parking Lot Designer

Parking Lot Designer
Parking Lot Designer

1. Experience

I always recommend looking for a designer with ample experience in designing parking lots for similar businesses or facilities. This ensures they have a good grasp of what your project entails.

2. Certifications

Make sure to check if the designer holds relevant certifications related to parking lot design, accessibility, and environmental sustainability. This demonstrates their commitment to their craft and continuous learning.

3. Design and Layout

A crucial aspect to consider is the designer's ability to create a logical traffic flow pattern, decide on the size and orientation of parking stalls, and determine the width of drive aisles. Landscaping choices and lighting also play a role in enhancing safety and aesthetics.

4. Compliance with Regulations

Your designer should be well-versed in local zoning regulations, ADA requirements, and other relevant codes and standards to ensure the parking lot is designed within all necessary regulations.

5. Environmental Impact

selecting materials and finishes that align with the project’s goals and budget.

6. Cost and Budget

A reliable designer can work within your budget and provide a cost estimate for the project. They should be able to provide a construction schedule to ensure the project is completed on time.

7. Communication and Collaboration

Successful projects rely on effective communication and collaboration among professionals. Your designer should have pristine communication skills and be able to work well with other professionals, like architects, engineers, and contractors.

Integrating Smart Technology in Parking Lot Design

Parking Lot Designer
Parking Lot Designer

Smart Design Tools for Parking Lot Layouts

When it comes to designing efficient parking lots, technology plays a crucial role in simplifying the process. Smart design tools are software applications, both mobile and web-based, that enable users to plan, visualize, and optimize parking lot layouts without the need for extensive technical expertise. These tools feature user-friendly interfaces, drag-and-drop functionalities, and intuitive design tools that empower non-professionals to create effective parking lot designs with ease.
Several mobile and web-based applications offer features that allow users to visualize and plan space usage without deep technical skills. Some commonly used tools and apps include:


A free software that allows users to create up to 5 projects. Despite being primarily intended for interior design layouts, RoomSketcher is a quick and cost-effective option that can also be used for basic parking lot layouts. The cloud-based software eliminates the need for downloads and offers an intuitive interface for laying out parking lot designs. Users can create and customize each parking stall to their desired dimensions easily.


ConceptDraw offers Site Plan software specifically tailored for designing parking lot layouts. While the software is free for a 21-day trial period, users can access more advanced features such as adding barrier gates, bollards, bike racks, lamp posts, trees, and more to their parking lot design.


Transoft's award-winning software, designed for engineers, architects, and land developers, includes ParkCAD, a tool that allows users to design multiple parking sites within minutes. ParkCAD offers functionality for stall counts, setting area dimensions, object editing, and powerful reporting. Users can run different combinations of row layouts, rotations, and positions to generate optimal space yield based on input parameters. The software makes it easy to review and select the best parking lot design option from a range of iterations.
By leveraging these smart design tools and applications, users can streamline the process of designing and managing parking lots effectively, even without extensive technical skills. With features designed to facilitate visualization, planning, and optimization, these tools empower individuals to create efficient parking lot layouts that meet their specific needs and requirements.

Simple Step-by-Step Guide on Using an App for Parking Lot Design

Parking Lot Designer
Parking Lot Designer
To design a parking lot using an app like AutoTURN Online, follow these steps:

1. Select AutoTURN Online

This app enables designing parking lots without CAD software.

2. Upload a plan or draw the perimeter

Upload a CAD file or image or draw the perimeter with the app's tools.

3. Add stalls

Use the app to add stalls, customize size and orientation, and add more rows as needed.

4. Customize the design

Incorporate islands, wheel stops, adjust stall sizes for larger vehicles, and ADA compliance.

5. Analyze vehicle movements

Use the swept-path analysis tool to ensure smooth vehicle movements.

6. Ensure compliance

Design an efficient parking lot with pre-set local guidelines and view real-time stall count.

7. Personalize parking spaces

Add symbols for family-friendly spots and designated areas for expecting mothers.

8. Design for different purposes

Implement unique needs like special truck lanes and accessible stalls.

9. Review and adjust

Ensure functionality, safety, and longevity of the design.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience with Parqour -Book A Free Demo Today

Parqour is a groundbreaking software platform designed to streamline parking operations and enhance the overall customer experience. Our innovative solution harnesses the power of real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments to optimize parking facilities. With a robust presence in over 22 countries and more than 300 parking areas, Parqour has successfully detected over 100 million vehicles, making it a trusted partner for parking lot designers worldwide.

Comprehensive End-to-End Management Platform

Parqour offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform that empowers parking lot designers to increase revenue, reduce operational costs, and promote transparency. By consolidating all parking operations into a single platform, Parqour eliminates the need to juggle different vendors and integrations, simplifying the management process. Our platform eliminates the need for costly hardware investments, providing designers with greater flexibility and cost savings.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Parqour is committed to enhancing the customer experience by introducing contactless parking and online payment methods. By offering convenient payment options and seamless access to parking facilities, Parqour makes the parking experience more accessible and enjoyable for customers. This improved accessibility and convenience ultimately result in higher utilization rates and lower operating costs for parking lot designers.

Cutting-Edge Features

Parqour boasts a range of cutting-edge features designed to optimize parking facilities and streamline operations. These features include:
  • 99.6% license plate recognition rate
  • Online QR payment
  • Integration with third-party APIs like Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, and PayByPhone
  • Real-time data analytics
  • Validation and permit management
  • 24/7 remote control system
  • Hardware with zero upfront costs
  • Zoning and violation detection, and much more
By leveraging these advanced features, parking lot designers can unlock new levels of efficiency and performance within their facilities.

Book a Free Demo Today!

Ready to experience the future of parking operations? Book a free demo with Parqour today to discover how our innovative platform can transform your parking facility into a top-performing asset. Say goodbye to outdated methods and hello to the next generation of parking management with Parqour.

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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