How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot and Thrive

Learn how to open a commercial truck parking lot with this detailed guide. Get valuable insights and tips to help you thrive in this industry!

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot and Thrive
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If you're considering starting a commercial truck parking lot, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we will guide you through how to open a commercial truck parking lot, covering topics like site selection, permits, parking lot design, and much more. Whether you're already in the trucking industry or looking to branch into a new field, this guide will help you start your truck parking lot business on the right foot and ensure its success. Let's dive in!

Why Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot Business?

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot

Understanding the Market Demand for Truck Parking

The demand for truck parking is on the rise due to the increasing freight and logistics activities globally. The trucking industry is booming, leading to more trucks on the roads, which increases the need for secure and well-equipped parking facilities. Truck drivers are bound by regulatory requirements for rest periods, which necessitate secure and convenient parking areas.

Demand for Secure Truck Parking

Security concerns for valuable goods carried by trucks further escalate the demand for secure parking facilities. Public rest areas often lack the necessary security measures and amenities, driving the demand for private truck parking lots. Local firms with truck fleets struggle with space limitations and require external parking facilities.

Impact of Truck Parking Shortage

According to the American Transportation Research Institute, there is a significant shortage of truck parking spaces, with over two-thirds of drivers struggling to find adequate parking daily. This shortage affects drivers' quality of life and safety on the road, leading to unsafe parking practices. The Federal Highway Administration estimates a shortage of over 40,000 parking spaces nationwide, which is expected to worsen with the projected growth in freight demand.

Reasons to Start a Truck Parking Lot Business

1. High Demand

The trucking industry's growth results in soaring demand for truck parking. Logistics companies expanding their fleets require safe and secure parking spaces for their large vehicles.

2. Steady Income

Truck parking generates a consistent income stream as truckers continually need reliable parking facilities during their long-haul journeys. Providing a well-maintained lot ensures regular customers and steady cash flow.

3. Minimal Maintenance

A truck parking lot requires minimal maintenance compared to other businesses. With proper infrastructure and surveillance systems, your investment is well-protected, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business without constant upkeep.

4. Location Flexibility

A truck parking business can thrive in various locations, whether rural, along an interstate corridor, or in an urban setting. This flexibility enables you to select a suitable spot based on your budget and target audience.

How Do You Choose the Ideal Location for a Commercial Truck Parking Lot?

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot

Finding the Perfect Location

The first step to opening a commercial truck parking lot is finding the perfect location. This involves considering a variety of factors, such as cost, accessibility, proximity to major highways, as well as local demand. To help guide your decision-making, below are a few key aspects to consider when selecting a location for your commercial truck parking lot.

Preliminary Planning and Research

Before diving into the process of opening a commercial truck parking lot, it’s crucial to conduct thorough preliminary research and planning. This includes identifying the demand for truck parking in the area, as well as assessing the competition.

Market Research

Market research is an essential step in assessing the demand for truck parking in the area. By understanding the market needs, you can tailor your services to match the local demand, thus increasing your chances of success in the industry. It’s also important to analyze the competition in the area to identify potential gaps in the market that you can fill.

Selecting a Strategic Location

When selecting a location for your commercial truck parking lot, proximity to major highways and logistics hubs is key. This allows easy access for truckers passing through, making your parking lot an attractive option for those in need of a rest stop.
Consider the ease of access for large vehicles and potential traffic flow to ensure a smooth experience for [truckers using your parking lot]( Also, consider local demand from businesses that require truck parking, as this can help you secure a steady customer base.
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot

City Truck Parking Bylaws

Most, if not all, municipalities have zoning bylaws that govern which parts of the city will be allocated to the development of facilities. The three most common zones are agricultural, industrial, and residential. More likely than not, truck parking lots can be established only in areas that are zoned as industrial.
Truck parking in residential areas is usually allowed only for temporary purposes, and only for small, 5-ton trucks. The bigger, heavier class 8 trucks aren’t permitted to even enter residential areas. Meanwhile, building a truck parking lot in an agricultural area is allowed but only after certain requirements are fulfilled.

Truck Parking Space Dimensions

With or without a trailer, trucks are huge and need enough space in order to turn and park. An average trailer is about 48 feet to 53 feet long, though 53-foot trailers are the most common type.
Semi-tractors can be 20 to 25 feet long, depending on the specific truck’s wheelbase. Based on these measurements, it is fair to say that a parking stall for a tractor unit should be at least 30 feet long, with a width of 15 feet, making the space dimensions of a standard truck parking spot at least 450 square feet.
Choose a business structure that offers the right level of liability protection. Common options include sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC. Consult professionals to determine the best fit. Register your business name and establish federal and state tax IDs.
You may need special licenses and permits to operate a parking facility in your area. Look into zoning laws, land use regulations, environmental impact studies, and transportation codes that could apply to your parking lot.
Make sure to obtain necessary permits and licenses for development, construction, and operation. Common ones may include building permits, special use allowances, stormwater management plans, signage approvals, etc. Have lawyers review any business contracts, loan agreements, lease documents, and liability insurance policies. This protects your interests. Consult lawyers experienced in transportation industry laws and regulations.

Staying Compliant

Implement accounting systems to handle taxes, document income/expenses, manage payroll, and track other financials. Stay compliant with regular filings and payments. Maintain adequate insurance policies covering general liability, property damage, worker’s compensation, employer’s liability, and commercial auto. Review annually.
Book a free demo to learn about how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

What Infrastructure is Needed to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot?

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot

Land Development

In the field of opening a commercial truck parking lot, I must highlight the importance of proper land development. This includes paving the lot to withstand heavy trucks and harsh weather conditions, ensuring a durable and well-maintained pavement. Implementing effective drainage systems is crucial to prevent water accumulation, which could damage the premises or create hazardous conditions for both trucks and drivers.
It is also essential to install adequate lighting throughout the lot to enhance visibility during nighttime operations, with a focus on energy-efficient options to minimize operational costs. Clear and visible signage should be strategically placed to guide truckers to the entrance/exit, parking slots, amenities, and any additional services offered, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for all customers.


When planning the setup of your commercial truck parking lot, consider incorporating value-added amenities to attract and retain customers.
  • Restrooms, showers, a convenience store, and a trucker's lounge are all essential facilities that can enhance the overall customer experience and differentiate your parking lot from competitors.
  • Prioritizing amenities that cater to the needs of truckers will not only increase customer satisfaction but also contribute to building a positive reputation within the trucking community.
  • Providing electrical hookups for refrigerated trucks can be a significant selling point for truckers transporting perishable goods, further positioning your parking lot as a preferred choice for drivers seeking convenience and comfort.
Ensuring a well-planned and executed physical and operational setup for your commercial truck parking lot is essential to its success. By focusing on critical aspects such as land development, amenities, and infrastructure, you can create a safe, secure, and customer-focused environment that will attract and retain truckers, ultimately driving the profitability and sustainability of your business.

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot with Optimal Security Measures?

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot

Installing Proper Lighting for Safety and Security

Installing proper, bright lighting is one of the most effective ways to make a parking lot/garage safer for everyone, for several reasons.
  • Criminals are able to get away with things much easier under a veil of darkness – poor lighting is essentially an open invitation to crime.
  • Eliminating dark corners and brightening stairways and walkways is a great method for deterring sketchy individuals.
  • What’s more, investing in brighter lighting improves visibility for drivers and pedestrians; and reduces the likelihood of accidents, slips and falls.
Your parking lot/parking garage lighting fixtures should be placed in strategic areas and spaced so that they don’t create shadows. Installing spotlighting and smart lighting with motion sensors will make a tremendous difference in the safety and security of any parking facility.

Mounting Surveillance Cameras for Enhanced Safety

Mounting video cameras is a super cost-effective security measure you can implement at your parking facility. Placing cameras in highly visible spots can discourage criminals, make patrons feel safer, and provide evidence of any incident that occurs.
Researching the latest tech. improvements in security cameras is a great idea for your parking facility. Most of the older CCTV cameras were hard-wired, but newer technology allows for cameras to connect to your WiFi network and send videos straight into the cloud. You can get camera models that are equipped with solar panels or long-lasting batteries. There are even options for security cameras that are weather-proof and less susceptible to being affected by power outages.

Using Clear Signage for Effective Communication

Clear signage is one of the best ways to promote safety in a parking lot/parking garage. Each sign should convey a purposeful message that’s simple and familiar. It’d be beneficial to install signs that inform visitors of the security cameras and the systems in place to stop and prosecute criminals.
Obviously, don’t forget about driving safety signs too. These signs are an easy way to smoothly guide drivers and pedestrians through the lot. You should use signage for drivers which clearly indicate what to do and what not to do in the parking facility.

Live Monitoring for Enhanced Security

While cameras are great, nothing matches the effectiveness of having a live security patrol on the premises. If your parking lot or parking garage sees a lot of different people coming and going on a regular basis, you may want to recruit some guards.

Security Measures for Parking Lots

When people leave their vehicle at your lot, they should feel safe knowing that they’ll come back to their belongings in the same condition as when they left. Security guards will keep visitor’s property safe, discourage wrongdoers, and help patrons feel more at ease.

Access Control Solutions for Commercial Parking

Also, commercial parking facilities could greatly benefit from the use of gates at the entrance/exit points. Using gates with raising/lowering arms will effectively keep track of who enters the property, especially at night.

Regular Maintenance for a Safe Environment

Well-maintained facilities lower the chance of accidents, injuries, and crimes from occurring! According to the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC), Maintenance is one of the main principles for crime prevention through environmental design. Staying on top of maintenance sends the message that your parking facilities are routinely maintained. This means criminals are more likely to get caught in a place that receives regular attention.
  • Replacing burnt-out light bulbs promotes safety and security.
  • Taking care of any wet, damaged, or weathered areas will decrease any trips, falls, and skids.
  • Making sure all nearby vegetation and shrubbery is trimmed low will make it so people cannot hide behind it.

What Are the Ongoing Operational Costs for a Commercial Truck Parking Lot?

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot

Sweeping and Cleaning Costs

The most basic maintenance for a parking lot is sweeping and cleaning. The cost to sweep a parking lot varies depending on the size of the lot. For example, cleaning a 1,000-space parking lot costs an average of $163, while a 500-space lot costs about $83. Smaller lots with 200 spaces or less have an average cleaning cost of approximately $77.

Resurfacing Costs

Once asphalt or concrete parking lots develop cracks, potholes, or become unraveled, they will need to be resurfaced. The cost to resurface an asphalt parking lot ranges from $1.50 to $7 per square foot.
On the other hand, resealing an asphalt parking lot costs between $0.14 to $0.25 per square foot, and resealing needs to be done every 2-4 years. A concrete parking lot, similar to asphalt, needs to be resealed every 3 years, costing between 10 to 30 cents per square foot, and resurfaced every 15 to 25 years, with a cost ranging from $3 to $10 per square foot.

Line Painting Costs

Parking lot lines need to be repainted periodically. For small lots with 50 spaces or less, the cost to paint the lines is around $500. However, for larger lots with over 50 spaces, the minimum expected rate is $700.

Additional Maintenance Costs

In addition to sweeping, cleaning, resurfacing, resealing, and repainting lines, there are several other costs associated with maintaining a parking lot. These costs include seal coating, repair of drainage systems, snow removal, and more. Each of these maintenance tasks can contribute significantly to the overall day-to-day running costs of a commercial truck parking lot.
  • Best Parking Lot Designs

What Are Some Common Challenges When Opening a Commercial Truck Parking Lot?

How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot
How to Open a Commercial Truck Parking Lot

Overcoming Land and Cost Limitations

I understand that as an aspiring commercial truck parking lot owner, you may be facing difficulties due to the high cost of land and construction. While it may seem daunting to afford the land and structures, there are ways to work around this. We can explore options such as buying properties at auctions or cutting costs by starting with basic facilities and amenities.

Balancing Supply and Demand

One significant challenge in this industry is the imbalance between the demand for truck parking spaces and the available supply. The growing trucking industry results in a higher demand for parking spaces, impacting your profit margin. This scenario necessitates innovative solutions to make the most of the available spaces.

Addressing Security Concerns

Security is a critical aspect of running a truck parking business. Trucks often transport high-value goods, making parking lots potential targets for theft or vandalism. You should consider implementing security measures like installing surveillance systems, creating gated lots, ensuring proper lighting, and employing security guards to safeguard vehicles and cargo.
As you delve into the truck parking business, you will encounter various regulations that must be adhered to. These regulations can range from restrictions on the location of the parking lot to limitations on operational hours, sound emissions, waste management, and sanitation. It is essential to understand and comply with these regulations to operate successfully within a given municipality.

Offering Driver Amenities

In today's convenience-driven society, drivers seek truck parking lots with numerous amenities, such as restrooms, showers, laundry facilities, designated rest areas, and restaurants. While these amenities are desirable, they can significantly increase your investment, adding to the challenges you face in running a commercial truck parking lot.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience with Parqour -Book A Free Demo Today

When it comes to opening a commercial truck parking lot, one of the most critical aspects is managing the parking operations efficiently. That's where Parqour comes into play. With its innovative software platform, Parqour can streamline parking operations and enhance the overall customer experience. The platform offers a wide array of features, including real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments.

Comprehensive Parking Lot Management Platform

With Parqour, operators can oversee their parking area from a single, comprehensive management platform. This eliminates the need to work with various vendors and integrations, providing a seamless user experience. The software's contactless parking and online payment methods make the whole experience more convenient for customers. This ultimately results in higher utilization rates and lower operating costs for the parking lot.

Advanced License Plate Recognition and Payment Integration

One of the standout features of Parqour is its high license plate recognition rate of 99.6%. This ensures accurate tracking of vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot. The platform offers online QR payment options and can be integrated with third-party APIs like Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, and PayByPhone. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free payment process for customers.

Data Analytics and Optimization Tools

Parqour provides detailed data analytics on real-time occupancy, revenue, utilization, and parking trends. With this information, operators can make informed decisions to optimize their parking lot's performance. The platform also offers validation and permit management, allowing free-flow access for approved drivers.

Remote Monitoring and Control System

Parqour's 24/7 remote control system enables operators to monitor and manage their parking area from anywhere, at any time. The platform's hardware comes with zero upfront costs, making it an attractive solution for parking lot operators. Parqour also offers zoning and violation detection features, allowing operators to control different zones within the parking lot effectively.

Transforming Parking Operations with Parqour

All in all, Parqour is an all-in-one solution that can transform your parking operation and take it to the next level. If you're looking to enhance the efficiency and profitability of your commercial truck parking lot, Parqour is the way to go!
Book a free demo now to see how Parqour can revolutionize your parking operation.

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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