How to Make an Asphalt Parking Lot Design

Create a practical and well-organized asphalt parking lot design with this guide. From layout to striping, we've got you covered every step.

How to Make an Asphalt Parking Lot Design
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Have you ever been driving around a crowded parking lot, searching for a vacant spot, only to find yourself frustrated by the lack of organization and space utilization? Well, fret not! Today, we delve into the world of asphalt parking lot design, providing valuable insights to help you learn how to make your parking lot aesthetically pleasing and efficient in terms of space utilization and traffic flow.
Looking to revolutionize your parking experience? Parqour's solution, shift your parking operation into top gear, is a valuable tool to help you master asphalt Parking lot design, including additional elements to consider. With our guidance, you can optimize your parking lot design for maximum efficiency and customer satisfaction.

What is an Asphalt Parking Lot Design?

Asphalt Parking Lot Design
Asphalt Parking Lot Design
An asphalt parking lot design is a detailed plan outlining the layout, size, and construction specifications for an asphalt parking area. It serves as a blueprint for contractors to build a functional and safe parking lot that meets all legal requirements and user needs.

Planning Considerations for Your Asphalt Parking Lot Design

Asphalt Parking Lot Design
Asphalt Parking Lot Design

Size and Layout

When designing an asphalt parking lot, it's crucial to consider the size and layout based on the anticipated traffic volume and the types of vehicles that will use the lot. Determining the number of parking spaces needed is essential for efficient traffic management. Factors like traffic flow patterns, the use of one-way or two-way aisles, and accessibility requirements should be taken into account to optimize the parking lot's layout.


An often overlooked but critical aspect of parking lot design is drainage. A proper drainage system is essential to prevent water from accumulating on the asphalt surface. Including appropriate slopes, gutters, and potentially catch basins in the design will help channel rainwater away from the pavement, ensuring the longevity of the parking lot and maintaining a safe environment for vehicles and pedestrians.

Signage and Markings

Clear and effective signage and markings are essential for a parking lot's safe and efficient operation. Signage for entry, exit, handicapped parking, and other designated areas will help users navigate the lot easily. Marking traffic lanes, crosswalks, and individual parking spaces according to standard regulations will further optimize traffic flow and improve safety within the parking lot.

Shift Your Parking Operation Into Top Gear

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and enhances the customer experience. With features like real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments, Parqour offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform to increase revenue, reduce operational costs, and enhance transparency.
If you want to streamline your parking operations and improve efficiency, book a free demo to learn more about how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

Key Components of an Asphalt Parking Lot Design

Asphalt Parking Lot Design
Asphalt Parking Lot Design

Parking Spaces

Parking spaces are essential in asphalt parking lot design. Regular spaces are typically 9 feet wide by 18 feet long, whereas compact spaces are 8 feet wide by 16 feet long. Accessible spaces for individuals with disabilities are 8 feet wide by 18 feet long, with an extra 5 feet of clearance for vehicle access.

Traffic Aisle Width

The necessary width of traffic aisles varies based on traffic volume and flow direction. For instance, one-way aisles in low-traffic areas might be only 12 feet wide, while high-traffic areas with two-way traffic may require aisles up to 24 feet wide for safe passage. Incorporating turn lanes can enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion.

Curbs and Gutters

Curbs and gutters define the parking lot perimeter, separating it from sidewalks or landscaping. They contribute to drainage by redirecting rainwater away from the asphalt surface. Curbs can be designed at different heights, depending on the need for vehicle containment or pedestrian access. Gutters, usually sloped channels alongside the curb, collect and channel rainwater towards drainage systems.

Additional Design Elements to Consider

Asphalt Parking Lot Design
Asphalt Parking Lot Design

Lighting to Improve Visibility and Safety

Effective lighting fixtures in an asphalt parking lot enhance visibility during the night, ensuring user safety. Opting for energy-efficient LED lights can reduce environmental impact while providing adequate illumination. Lighting standards recommend different brightness levels for various areas within the parking lot, with pedestrian walkways and crosswalks requiring higher light levels.

Landscaping for Aesthetics and Functionality

Incorporating landscaping elements like trees, shrubs, and flower beds can significantly enhance the aesthetics of an asphalt parking lot. These elements can shade vehicles during hot weather, mitigating heat island effects and improving user comfort. Strategically placed trees can aid in managing stormwater runoff by filtering rainwater and reducing the burden on drainage systems.

Pedestrian Walkways for Safety and Accessibility

Designating safe and well-marked walkways for pedestrian traffic, especially in high-traffic areas like entrances, exits, and crosswalks, is crucial. These walkways should be clearly separated from vehicle traffic lanes using curbs, fences, or landscaped buffers to ensure pedestrian safety. Consider incorporating accessible ramps or slopes to connect walkways to different levels within the parking lot.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience with Parqour -Book A Free Demo Today

Parqour is a state-of-the-art parking management software that provides a seamless parking operation experience and enhances customer satisfaction. This platform optimizes parking operations by offering real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payment options. Operating in over 22 countries and 300+ parking areas, Parqour has successfully detected more than 100 million vehicles. The goal of Parqour is to simplify the parking process, increase revenue, lower operational costs, and improve overall transparency.

End-to-End Management Platform for Efficient Parking Operations

Parqour offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform that helps businesses optimize their parking operations. Instead of managing multiple vendors and integrations, Parqour allows operators to control all their parking operations from a single platform. With contactless parking and online payment methods, customers can enjoy a hassle-free parking experience, leading to higher utilization and reduced operating costs. Parqour boasts a 99.6% license plate recognition rate, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in parking management.

Key Features of Parqour

Parqour has numerous features that set it apart from traditional parking management solutions. From online QR payments to seamless integration with third-party APIs like Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, and PayByPhone, Parqour offers a comprehensive solution for all parking needs. Operators can access real-time data analytics on occupancy, revenue, utilization, and parking trends, enabling them to make informed decisions to optimize their parking operations further.

Seamless Parking Access and Remote Management

Parqour offers validation and permit management features that allow free-flow access for approved drivers. The platform also provides a 24/7 remote control system that enables operators to monitor and manage their parking areas from anywhere. With hardware that requires zero upfront costs, Parqour eliminates the need for large capital investments in bulky hardware, making it a cost-effective solution for parking operators.

Cost-Effective and Feature-Rich

Parqour features zoning and violation detection capabilities that help operators effectively control POD, VIP, and nested zones. Parqour is a one-stop solution for all parking management needs, offering a user-friendly experience for operators and customers alike.
Book a free demo to learn how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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