How to Build a High School Parking Lot

Building a high school parking lot can be complex. This guide simplifies the process, providing you with tips and advice to get the job done right.

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High school parking lots can quickly become disorganized during peak hours, with students, teachers, and staff all vying for limited spaces. Implementing an effective parking management system can help mitigate these challenges and streamline the parking process for everyone involved. This article shares practical steps to build and manage a high school parking lot efficiently, ensuring a smoother experience.
Looking to shift your parking operation into top gear? Parqour's solution can help you achieve your goals, such as learning practical steps for building a high school parking lot.

Planning and Needs Assessment (Understanding Your Requirements)

High School Parking Lot
High School Parking Lot

Defining Needs

Student Survey

Conduct a comprehensive student survey to gauge the percentage of students driving, their preferred parking locations, and potential carpooling habits. Analyze responses by grade level, considering increased driving rates among upperclassmen.

Enrollment Growth Projections

Collaborate with school administration to analyze enrollment data and projected growth for the next 5-10 years. This will help determine the minimum and ideal parking spaces to accommodate future student needs.

Staff Parking Assessment

Assess staff parking needs by category (teachers, administrators, support staff) and consider flexible work arrangements that might impact overall parking usage. Analyze current staff parking allocation and identify potential gaps.

Evaluation of Existing Parking Infrastructure

Evaluate existing parking arrangements, including on-street parking legality, visitor spots, and designated areas for faculty/staff with permits. This will help identify areas where the current system might be strained.

Local Zoning Regulations & Building Codes

Research local zoning regulations and building codes regarding the minimum number of parking spaces required per student or staff member. These regulations may vary depending on the school's size and location.

Site Selection and Evaluation

Accessibility & Traffic Flow

Identify potential locations on school property, prioritizing accessibility for different school entrances, particularly those with high student traffic. Consider proximity to athletic fields or performing arts centers that might experience peak parking needs during events.

Minimizing Construction Costs & Disruptions

Analyze the proximity of potential parking lot sites to existing utilities (water, sewer, electricity) to minimize connection costs and potential disruptions during construction. Consult with utility companies to determine their infrastructure capacity and upgrade needs.

Traffic Impact Assessment & Mitigation Strategies

Conduct a traffic flow study in collaboration with a traffic engineer to assess the impact of a new parking lot on surrounding roads. Identify potential congestion points and consider implementing traffic calming measures (roundabouts, stop signs) if necessary.

Site Suitability

Consult a civil engineer to evaluate the site's soil composition and drainage patterns. This will determine the most suitable foundation type and identify any potential need for additional drainage systems to handle stormwater runoff.

Environmental Sustainability

Consider environmental factors when selecting a site. Utilize existing landscaping to minimize tree removal and explore options for incorporating green spaces within the parking lot design. Research permeable pavement materials to promote rainwater infiltration and reduce environmental impact.

Budgeting and Funding

Breaking Down Construction Costs

Develop a detailed budget outlining all construction costs, including
  • Materials (asphalt, concrete, curbs, signage)
  • Labor (contractors, engineers, site workers)
  • Equipment rental

Planning for the Future

Factor in long-term maintenance costs (seal coating, resurfacing, lighting maintenance) to ensure the parking lot remains functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Expanding Funding Options

Research potential funding sources beyond the school district allocation. Explore options such as:
  • Community grants focused on infrastructure development or safety initiatives related to student transportation.
  • Fundraising efforts involving parents, alumni, or local businesses. Organize car washes, sporting event sponsorships, or community awareness campaigns to raise funds.
  • Public-private partnerships where a company builds and maintains the parking lot in exchange for advertising rights or naming opportunities. Ensure such partnerships align with the school's values and community interests.

How to Create a Functional and Safe Space

High School Parking Lot
High School Parking Lot

Traffic Flow and Safety

One-Way Traffic Flow

Implementing a one-way traffic flow pattern throughout the parking lot can minimize head-on collisions and allow for smoother maneuvering, especially during peak arrival and dismissal times. This approach can significantly improve traffic flow while maximizing safety for students, staff, and visitors.

Prioritizing Pedestrian Safety

  • Designate clearly marked crosswalks with proper signage and pedestrian islands for added safety.
  • Consider incorporating flashing lights or crosswalk paint with raised delineators for enhanced visibility in low-light conditions, ensuring pedestrians can safely navigate the parking lot. A
  • Add covered walkways or shelters for inclement weather to provide protection and comfort.

Designated Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zones

  • Establish dedicated drop-off/pick-up zones at least 50 feet from building entrances and crosswalks. These zones should be clearly marked and potentially separated from traffic lanes by curbs or bollards to ensure smooth and safe pedestrian transitions.
  • Installing speed bumps or traffic circles in high-traffic areas can regulate vehicle speed and encourage cautious driving, especially near drop-off/pick-up zones or pedestrian walkways.

Improved Visibility & Accessibility

Design the parking lot with adequate lighting throughout, focusing on entrances, exits, and walkways, utilizing energy-efficient LED fixtures to illuminate the space effectively while minimizing energy consumption. Adhering to accessibility standards with wider aisles and van-accessible spaces for designated handicapped parking is crucial for providing equal access to all users.

Parking Space Layout and Optimization

Balancing Capacity and Maneuverability

Standard-sized parking spaces (9' wide x 18' long) can maximize capacity while ensuring safe maneuvering room for drivers of all ages and experience levels. Consider wider spaces (10' x 18') if a significant portion of the student body drives large vehicles (SUVs, trucks) to accommodate different vehicle sizes.

Accessibility for All

Allocating a designated percentage of spaces for accessible parking adhering to regulations outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures inclusivity and equal access for all users. These spaces should be conveniently located near building entrances and have clear signage indicating their purpose for ease of use.

Enhancing Driver Experience & Safety

Consider angled parking (30-45 degrees) or head-in parking for easier entry and exit, especially for less experienced teenage drivers. This layout reduces the need for reversing out of parking spaces, which can be a challenge for new drivers. Exploring options for permeable pavement materials can allow rainwater to infiltrate the ground, reducing stormwater runoff and promoting sustainability.

Sustainable Design

Utilizing traffic bollards or wheel stops at the end of each parking space can prevent vehicles from overshooting and damaging curbs or other parked cars. These measures should be clearly visible and durable to withstand potential impact.

Signage and Markings

Clear and Consistent Signage

Installing clear and easy-to-read directional signs for entry, exit, and designated parking areas (staff, student, visitor) at key points within the parking lot can improve traffic flow and reduce confusion. Utilizing consistent colors and fonts for optimal visibility ensures that drivers, pedestrians, and visitors can easily navigate the parking lot.

Standard Symbols and Compliance

Ensuring that all signage complies with local regulations and uses standard symbols for maintaining order and safety within the parking lot, such as:
  • Handicapped parking
  • Fire zones
  • No-parking zones
  • Other relevant restrictions
For national signage design and placement guidelines, consult the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Durable Markings and Enhanced Visibility

Utilizing brightly painted lane markings, crosswalks, and stop signs for high visibility and improved traffic flow can enhance safety within the parking lot.
  • For greater durability than standard traffic paint, consider using thermoplastic paint for lane markings.
  • Reflective paint for lane markings and signage can enhance nighttime visibility, ensuring drivers can safely navigate the parking lot in low-light conditions.
By following these guidelines for creating a functional and safe high school parking lot, you can foster an environment that prioritizes safety, efficiency, and accessibility for all users.

Designing a Safe and Functional High School Parking Lot

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and improves the customer experience. It offers real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments. We operate in more than 22 countries, 300+ parking areas, and have detected over 100M+ vehicles. Parqour offers:
  • Comprehensive end-to-end management platform to increase revenue
  • Reduce operational cost
  • Enhance transparency
No need to spend huge capital on bulky hardware. Control all operations from one platform. Contactless parking and online payment methods also make the parking experience easier for your customers. The end result:
  • Higher utilization and lower operating costs
  • 99,6% license plate recognition rate
  • Online QR payment & 3rd party APIs (integrated with Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, PayByPhone)
  • Data analytics (real-time occupancy, revenue, utilization, parking trends)
  • Validation and permit management (free flow access for approved drivers)
  • 24/7 remote control system
  • Hardware with zero upfront costs
  • Zoning and violation detection (control POD, VIP and nested zones), and much more!
Book a free demo to learn how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!
  • Parking Management System
  • How to Deal with Apartment Parking Issues
  • Parking Lot Security
  • Condominium Parking Control
  • University Parking Solutions

A Comprehensive Framework with In-Depth Information

High School Parking Lot
High School Parking Lot

Site Preparation

The first step in constructing a high school parking lot is to conduct a comprehensive soil test to determine the ground's bearing capacity and identify any potential drainage issues. This will inform the selection of the most suitable foundation type for the parking lot. Based on the soil test results, necessary grading and leveling of the site are conducted to ensure proper water flow and prevent pooling.
This may involve importing or removing soil to achieve the desired slope. Underground utilities such as electrical conduits, drainage pipes, and water lines are installed as needed. Utility companies should coordinate to ensure proper placement and avoid future disruptions. It is also crucial to consider burying conduits deeper for additional protection from accidental damage during maintenance.

Pavement Selection

Choosing the most suitable pavement type for a high school parking lot is critical. Factors to consider include:
  • Budget
  • Climate
  • Traffic volume
  • Environmental impact
Asphalt is generally cheaper than concrete, but concrete offers greater durability and longevity. Climate should be considered, with heat resistance for hot climates and potential for cracking in freeze-thaw cycles for colder regions. For high-traffic areas, stronger materials like reinforced concrete should be chosen. Exploring permeable pavement options is recommended for better drainage and reduced stormwater runoff.

Construction Considerations

When building a high school parking lot, hiring qualified contractors with experience in school parking lot construction is essential. Requesting references and checking the safety record of contractors before finalizing a contract is necessary. Obtaining all necessary permits from local authorities before commencing construction is crucial. These permits may include:
  • Building permits
  • Excavation permits
  • Permits for connecting to utilities
A comprehensive safety plan for workers and the surrounding area is also imperative. This includes:
  • Proper signage
  • Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Clear communication protocols
By following this framework and ensuring attention to detail in each phase of the construction process, a high school can successfully build a durable and sustainable parking lot that meets the needs of students, faculty, and visitors.

Security and Lighting (Ensuring a Safe Environment)

High School Parking Lot
High School Parking Lot

Lighting Design

Proper lighting design ensures safety and security in high school parking lots. Bright and well-distributed light throughout the parking lot, especially at entrances, exits, walkways, and drop-off/pick-up zones, can significantly enhance visibility and deter criminal activities. By utilizing energy-efficient LED fixtures, schools can save on energy costs and benefit from superior brightness and longer-lasting bulbs.
When designing the lighting layout, avoid light pollution by directing light downward onto the parking surface and minimizing light trespass onto neighboring properties. Careful consideration of light pole heights and fixture placement can help prevent dark spots in the parking lot.

Security Measures

Implementing a layered security approach can help schools effectively combat crime and vandalism in their parking lots. Installing security cameras in strategic locations, especially near entrances, exits, and high-traffic areas, can provide surveillance and deter potential wrongdoers. These cameras must offer clear night vision capabilities to ensure continuous monitoring even in low-light conditions.
Perimeter fencing or strategic landscaping can restrict unauthorized access to the parking lot, particularly in areas bordering public spaces or wooded areas. Schools need to establish clear communication protocols for reporting suspicious activities and encourage students, staff, and visitors to report any such incidents promptly to school security or local law enforcement.

Maintenance and Long-Term Planning

High School Parking Lot
High School Parking Lot

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to ensuring the smooth operation and longevity of your high school parking lot system. This includes addressing minor issues before they escalate into major problems. Some examples include:
  • Sealing cracks and potholes promptly prevents further water infiltration and damage to the pavement.
  • Repainting faded lane markings and signage to ensure clear visibility for drivers.
  • Cleaning up debris and litter to maintain a positive aesthetic and prevent potential fire hazards.
  • Regularly inspect lighting fixtures and promptly repair or replace any malfunctions.

Long-Term Planning

Planning for the long term is essential to keep your high school parking lot system running efficiently. Here are some tips for long-term planning:
  • Conduct periodic evaluations of parking space availability and usage patterns. This might involve using traffic counters or student surveys to identify potential areas of congestion or underutilization.
  • Develop a budget for future repairs and potential resurfacing projects. Asphalt typically requires resurfacing every 7-10 years, while concrete can last 15-20 years with proper maintenance.
  • Consider sustainable upgrades like installing electric vehicle charging stations to cater to the growing popularity of electric cars. This can attract environmentally conscious students and staff while future-proofing the parking lot.
By following this detailed framework, you can ensure the successful construction and long-term functionality of a safe, efficient, and sustainable high school parking lot.

Sustainability Considerations (Building an Eco-Friendly Lot)

High School Parking Lot
High School Parking Lot
Incorporating sustainable practices into your high school parking lot construction goes beyond selecting permeable pavement. Here are some additional considerations:

Landscaping and Trees

Strategically plant trees and shrubs around the perimeter of the parking lot. This will provide shade, reduce the heat island effect, and improve air quality. Choose native, drought-tolerant plants to minimize water needs.

Stormwater Management

Incorporate bioswales or rain gardens into the design. These landscaped depressions collect and filter rainwater runoff before it enters storm drains, reducing pollution and improving water quality.

Construction Practices

Minimize waste generation during construction. Utilize recycled materials whenever possible and ensure proper disposal of construction debris.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

As mentioned earlier, installing EV charging stations promotes sustainability by encouraging the use of electric vehicles among students and staff. Partner with local utility companies or grant programs to offset installation costs.

Light Pollution Mitigation

Utilize motion-sensor lighting in designated areas like walkways or drop-off zones. This reduces energy consumption and minimizes light trespass into the night sky.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience with Parqour -Book A Free Demo Today

Parqour is a revolutionary software platform transforming the parking industry as we know it. With Parqour, parking operations become seamless, efficient, and customer-oriented, driving revenue growth, cutting operational costs, and enhancing transparency. The platform provides comprehensive end-to-end management solutions such as:
  • Real-time data
  • Automated plate recognition
  • Contactless payments

End-to-End Management Platform for Parking Operations

Parqour brings everything you need to manage your parking operations under one roof. You can control everything, from real-time occupancy data to revenue management, from one user-friendly platform.

Contactless Parking and Online Payment Methods

With Parqour, your customers enjoy a smooth and hassle-free parking experience. Contactless parking and online payment methods make it easy for customers to find parking and pay for it without any hassle. This seamless experience enhances customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business.

License Plate Recognition and Data Analytics

Parqour boasts an impressive license plate recognition rate of 99.6%, ensuring customers can access parking areas quickly and efficiently. The platform also offers robust data analytics, providing real-time insights into occupancy, revenue, utilization, and parking trends. These analytics help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your parking operations.

Validation and Permit Management

Parqour simplifies validation and permit management, streamlining access for approved drivers. With free-flow access for authorized personnel, you can ensure a smooth parking experience for your most valuable customers and tenants.

Zoning and Violation Detection

The platform also offers zoning and violation detection features, allowing you to set up control zones, VIP areas, and nested zones. By monitoring parking activity in these areas, you can enforce parking policies effectively and maintain order in your parking lot.

Parqour for Parking Management

Parqour is a game-changer for parking operators looking to:
  • Streamline operations
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Boost revenue
With its advanced features, intuitive interface, and comprehensive management tools, Parqour is the ultimate solution for modern parking needs. Ready to take your parking operation to the next level?
Book a free demo today and learn how Parqour can transform your parking business.
  • Parking Lot Monitoring System
  • Parking Access Control Systems
  • Parking Access and Revenue Control System

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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