Everything You Need to Know About Automated Parking Systems in 2024

Learn all about the latest developments, benefits, and technologies of automated parking systems in 2024.

Everything You Need to Know About Automated Parking Systems in 2024
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Are you tired of circling crowded parking lots and struggling to find an available spot? Automated parking solutions are transforming the way we park. This blog will offer insights on how automated parking simplifies operations and enhances customer satisfaction. Learn how adopting automated parking technology can revolutionize your parking management systems.
Parqour’s solution to simplify your parking operations and improve the customer experience. Shift your parking operation into top gear with this valuable tool to help you achieve your goals.

What Is an Automated Parking System?

Automated Parking
Automated Parking
Automated parking systems (APS) are high-tech solutions that revolutionize traditional parking methods. By using modern technology such as:
  • Lifts
  • Sensors
  • Computer systems
APS automates the following:
  • Locating available parking
  • Entering a garage or lot
  • Finding a spot
  • Parking
  • Paying
  • Exiting
Unlike traditional parking methods, where drivers must manually search for parking spots, APS offers a more convenient and efficient parking experience.

Key Components of Automated Parking Systems

Automated parking systems involve key components that provide a seamless parking experience. These components include:
  • Sensors that detect the presence of vehicles and guide them to available spots
  • Computer systems that manage the entire parking operation.
APS simplifies the parking process for users while optimizing space usage within the facility by integrating these components.

Convenience and Efficiency of Automated Parking Systems

Automated parking systems offer unmatched convenience and efficiency compared to traditional parking methods.
  • Users can simply drive into the APS facility and drop off their vehicle at a designated area. The system then takes over, offering a smooth parking experience without needing the driver to find a spot manually.
  • Upon returning, users can simply pick up their vehicle from the designated area, making the entire process hassle-free and time-saving.

APS: Streamlined Parking Operations and Increased Revenue

Implementing APS, parking asset management becomes more straightforward, and the potential for profits grows exponentially. APS can streamline:
  • Parking operations
  • Reduce labor costs
  • Create efficiencies
  • Increase occupancy rates
  • Maximize revenue for parking facility operators
Automated parking systems are a testament to the commitment to providing modern and convenient solutions that meet the expectations of today's parkers.
Automated Parking
Automated Parking
The automated parking systems market is experiencing rapid expansion, fueled by the challenges of urban traffic congestion and limited parking availability. These systems’ convenience, improved parking management, and environmental benefits significantly alter consumer expectations.
According to Grand View Research, the smart parking systems market was valued at USD 6.49 billion in 2022, with projections suggesting an impressive growth to USD 30.16 billion by 2030.

1. Technological Advances and Consumer Priorities

Modern users are seeking systems that provide real-time data and mobile accessibility, aligning with trends toward cashless transactions and environmental mindfulness.

2. Smart Mobility Integration and Tech-Savvy Consumers

A key driver of this market expansion is integrating smart mobility solutions. This trend is also supported by a collective move towards reducing carbon footprints. As urban populations become more tech-savvy, the demand for smartphone-manageable parking solutions is increasing, offering features like:
  • Location finding
  • Reservation
  • Payment

3. Adapting to Urban Mobility Landscape

The urban mobility landscape is rapidly evolving, especially with the introduction of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. This evolution necessitates adaptable parking systems for these new transportation forms.

4. Personalized Experiences and Customer Satisfaction

Consumer behavior is trending towards personalized experiences, and parking is no exception. Smart parking systems leverage data to tailor services to individual preferences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. As these systems evolve, they are expected to become comprehensive platforms for urban mobility management.

5. Reflecting Changing Societal Needs

The shift in market dynamics highlights a change in consumer behavior, emphasizing:
  • Efficiency
  • Sustainability, especially in urban spaces
Automated parking systems are becoming essential to urban living, signifying a broader movement towards smarter, more responsive city living. Exploring these trends provides insights into how these systems are not just technological advancements but also reflections of evolving societal needs and expectations.

9 Types of Automated Parking Systems

Automated Parking
Automated Parking

1. Shuttle Parking System

The shuttle features a pallet exchanger, commonly known as a conveyor belt, which facilitates the movement of vehicles between the shuttle and the assigned parking space during parking or retrieval operations.

Shuttle System Variations and Applications

  • Vary in size, from single-level to multi-level configurations
  • Accommodate larger parking capacities
  • Suitable for basement and outdoor parking arrangements

2. Puzzle Parking System

Puzzle Parking is a semi-automated system that incorporates combination pallets to facilitate horizontal and vertical movement of parking spaces, resembling a puzzle-like arrangement for parking and retrieving vehicles.

How the Shuttle System Works

  • Vehicle Entry: Vehicle enters the parking bay on the ground floor
  • Car Pickup Pallet: Transfers the vehicle to an elevated level
  • Lift Operation: Lift carries the vehicle to the desired floor for parking

3. Rotary Parking System

The rotary parking system is purpose-built to maximize car storage within the horizontal space equivalent to two standard parking spots. This innovative structure can accommodate six cars, effectively utilizing the space typically occupied by just two vehicles.

How the Rotating Parking System Works

  • Vehicle Entry: Vehicles enter the parking bay on the ground floor
  • Clockwise Rotation: All cars rotate clockwise, ensuring an empty parking bay on the ground floor
  • Efficient Space Utilization: Maximizes use of available space and provides convenient access to parked cars

4. Stacker Parking System

The stacker parking system employs a specialized moving device called a "stacker" to park and retrieve vehicles. The system incorporates a robotic mechanism that efficiently pulls and pushes vehicles to and from the lift or designated parking bay.

Efficiency of the Stacker Parking System

  • Time Reduction: Significantly reduces the time required for car entry and retrieval
  • Simultaneous Movement: Enables movement in both vertical and horizontal directions for increased efficiency

5. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Parking System

The AGV Parking System is ideal for installation within an enclosed parking vault. It utilizes multiple levels positioned above, on, and below the ground to optimize parking efficiency.
  • AGVs can traverse both lengthwise and sideways along predetermined paths and possess the capability to rotate in place.
  • Vehicles are parked on platforms within transfer cabins, which are then collected by AGVs.
  • The AGVs maneuver beneath the vehicle platforms, lift and transport them from the transfer cabins to their designated locations within the system.

6. Rail-Guided Parking System

The Rail-Guided Parking System or Rail-Guided Car works similarly to an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). Nonetheless, the RGC's work is simpler than that of the AGV.

How the RGC System Operates

Vehicle Parking
  • Driver parks the vehicle on pallets within the parking module
RGC Operation
  • RGC collects the pallets from the parking module
  • Moves beneath the vehicle pallet
  • Lifts the vehicle and transports it out of the parking module into the system
Movement Capabilities
  • RGCs can move sideways, forward, and backward
  • Efficiently operates in confined spaces

7. Crane Parking System

Crane Parking Systems work on multi-level systems and use a separate lift to transfer vehicles. They utilize a single mechanism to perform horizontal and vertical movements simultaneously. They have a vertically placed elevator platform where vehicles to be parked or retrieved are placed.

8. Silo Parking System

  • Silo parking systems are cylindrical and utilize a centrally positioned mechanism to park or retrieve cars.
  • The cylinder's core is occupied by a lifting or rotating mechanism that only positions the vehicle one at a time.
  • Cars are parked at the system's core, and the mechanism allows axial positioning and simultaneous up-and-down movement of vehicles.
  • These systems are ideal for building underground where soil conditions are not favorable.

9. Tower Parking System

Tower Parking System Overview

Vehicle Elevator
  • Includes a central vehicle elevator
Parking Arrangement
  • Parking spaces on either side of the elevator shaft
  • Repeated format over multiple levels
Central Unit
  • Moves vertically to park and retrieve cars
Rotary Mechanism
  • Rotates the shaft 180 degrees to drive the vehicle forward
Key Advantages
  • Can be installed inside existing buildings
  • Operates with minimal vibration and noise

4 Key Benefits of Having an Automated Parking System

Automated Parking
Automated Parking

1. Improved Safety

Automated car parking systems have enhanced safety features like sensors and cameras to detect vehicles and pedestrians. These systems can prevent accidents or collisions by allowing vehicles to park only in designated spaces, reducing confusion and misplacement risks.

2. Convenience

Automated car parking systems are incredibly convenient because they recognize specific vehicles and move them to desired locations with minimal effort. This eliminates the need for drivers to manually move vehicles around parking lots, saving time and effort. Additionally, they can automatically manage vehicles in emergencies like fires or natural disasters.

3. Cost Savings

Automated car parking systems can lead to significant cost savings by reducing the need for additional staff. Operational costs decrease without a driver moving vehicles manually. Also, with less space required compared to traditional parking spots, savings in terms of both time and money can be achieved.

4. Efficient Use of Space

Automated car parking systems optimize space utilization by moving vehicles in specific patterns and minimizing congestion. Programming vehicles to move in coordinated paths maximizes available parking lot space. This efficient use of space allows for a more organized and less congested parking lot.

Revolutionize Your Parking Operations With Parqour

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and improves the customer experience. It offers real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments.

Parking Management Solution

Global Reach
  • Operates in over 22 countries and 300+ parking areas
  • Detected over 100M+ vehicles
Advanced Features
  • Real-time data and automated plate recognition
  • Contactless payments and online QR payments
  • Integrated with Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, and PayByPhone
Operational Benefits
  • Comprehensive end-to-end management platform
  • Increases revenue and reduces operational costs
  • Enhances transparency and operational efficiency
  • 99.6% license plate recognition rate
  • Data analytics: real-time occupancy, revenue, utilization, and parking trends
  • Validation and permit management: free flow access for approved drivers
  • Zoning and violation detection: control POD, VIP, and nested zones
Cost Efficiency
  • Hardware with zero upfront costs
  • No need for massive capital investment in bulky hardware
  • 24/7 remote control system
Customer Experience
  • Accessible parking experience with contactless options
Book a free demo to learn how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

How the Automated Parking Process Works

Automated Parking
Automated Parking
The automated parking system is a modern marvel that offers a convenient solution to the growing parking problems faced by cities worldwide. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how the automated parking process functions from start to finish.

Entry Process

Automated Parking System Workflow

  • Driver approaches the bay room and stops at the marked sign
  • Rolling door opens to allow vehicle entry
Parking Process
  • Driver drives the car into the bay
  • Sensors measure the vehicle
  • Screen instructions guide the driver to the correct position
  • On-screen approval is given once the car is correctly positioned and ready to be parked

Parking Process

Post-Parking and Retrieval Process

  • Driver exits the vehicle and locks it
Parking Procedure Completion
  • Parking can be initiated using the U-tron mobile app or at the kiosk payment machine.
  • Options include a card swipe or pulling a paid ticket.
System Operation
  • The Bay door closes after the request is complete
  • Sensors sweep the room to ensure no movement outside the car
  • Shuttle system retrieves the car from the bay and stores it
Ready for Next Vehicle
  • The bay room is prepared for another vehicle to be parked or retrieved from storage.

Retrieval Process

Vehicle Retrieval Process in Automated Parking Systems

Requesting the Vehicle
  • Drivers request their vehicles using a kiosk or mobile app
  • Options include swiping a personal card at the kiosk or using the app
Queue and Retrieval
  • The kiosk screen shows the current request queue
  • Automated shuttle system retrieves the car from storage
Delivery and Final Steps
  • The car is delivered to an empty bay room
  • Bay room door opens with the car facing out, ready to drive
  • The driver simply gets in and drives straight out

For the Parking Manager

Automated parking systems can help parking managers optimize space allocation, consider factors like space availability and user demand, and monitor the parking facility in real time through a centralized dashboard. These systems regulate activities like:
  • Sensors
  • Cameras
  • Payment gateways
  • Other components
These ensure seamless parking and enforcement operations. Automating parking processes streamlines enforcement activities, helping managers manage parking facilities efficiently.

The Automated Future

Automated parking systems offer a revolutionary solution to urban parking challenges, providing a more efficient and convenient way to park and retrieve vehicles seamlessly. With automated parking, the future of parking looks bright and promising, offering a glimpse into the future of smart urban planning and transportation solutions.

How To Set Up an Automated Parking System

Automated Parking
Automated Parking
Setting up an automated parking system (APS) requires meticulous planning to ensure a smooth and efficient process. Each step plays a crucial role in the overall success and efficiency of the APS implementation.

1. Needs Assessment

The initial step in setting up an APS involves defining specific requirements and objectives. Consider the size of the parking facility, expected user volume, and any unique features or challenges the facility may present. This assessment lays the groundwork for the subsequent steps, guiding the customization and configuration of the APS to align with the facility's specific needs.

2. Consultation

Partnering with a parking specialist that specializes in customizable APS is vital. In the consultation phase, the technology and solutions are tailored to the facility's unique requirements. This alignment ensures that the APS functions seamlessly within the parking facility's parameters, maximizing efficiency and performance.

3. Site Analysis

Conducting a comprehensive site analysis involves evaluating the physical layout of the parking facility. This step identifies optimal entry and exit points, sensor placement, and other technological components to ensure the smooth operation of the APS. Site analysis is instrumental in addressing potential challenges and optimizing the system's effectiveness.

4. Customized System Design

Collaboration with consultants and service providers is key to determining the optimal technology solutions tailored to the facility’s requirements. A customized solution that maximizes efficiency and effectively addresses specific challenges identified during the consultation and site analysis is essential for successfully implementing the APS.

5. Installation and Testing

The installation and testing phase involves setting up hardware, configuring parking garage management software, and conducting rigorous testing. Simulations of various scenarios are conducted to ensure optimal performance under different conditions, guaranteeing the seamless integration of all APS components.

6. Employee Training

Comprehensive personnel training is crucial as the installation nears completion. Operators and staff must be well-versed in using the system, monitoring its performance, and addressing potential issues. Adequate training ensures the effective operation of the APS and its seamless integration into the facility.

7. Launch and Continuous Support

After successful installation and training, the APS is ready for launch. The support team can assist during the initial stages and provide ongoing support. Regular updates and maintenance are essential to keep the system operating efficiently and address any emerging issues effectively.

8. Performance Monitoring and Optimization

The parking solution provider's tools for real-time analytics allow data-driven decisions and the optimization of the APS over time. Monitoring performance and efficiency, adjusting as needed, and continuously improving the system are vital for maintaining its optimal functionality.

How Secure Is an Automated Parking System?

Automated Parking
Automated Parking
Automated Parking Systems (APS) have been designed to address the shared security concerns associated with traditional parking structures.

Surveillance Cameras

One of APS's key security features is the use of surveillance cameras. These cameras are strategically placed throughout the parking facility to monitor activities and ensure the safety of vehicles and users. Surveillance cameras can capture footage to investigate and identify potential threats in the event of any suspicious activity or security breach.

Controlled Access

APS employs a controlled access system to regulate vehicle entry and exit in the parking facility. Users must access the garage via a transponder, which sends a signal to a sensor on the outer doors to grant access to a secure transfer area. This controlled access mechanism ensures that only authorized personnel can enter the parking structure, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential threats.

Real-Time Monitoring

Automated parking systems feature real-time monitoring capabilities that allow operators to track activities within the facility continuously. With the help of advanced software and technology, operators can monitor vehicle movement, identify anomalies, and respond promptly to security incidents. Real-time monitoring enhances the overall security of the parking facility by enabling operators to take immediate action in case of emergencies.

Safeguarding Vehicles Against Potential Threats

Automated parking systems are designed to safeguard vehicles against potential threats, such as accidents, theft, and personal safety risks, by providing a secure vehicle storage and retrieval environment.

Less Accidents

In traditional parking structures, users must navigate the facility to find an available parking space, increasing the likelihood of accidents due to distractions. APS eliminates this risk by using a robotic system to move vehicles directly to parking spaces, reducing the chances of collisions and accidents within the facility.

Decreased Chance of Theft

Automated parking systems significantly reduce the risk of vehicle theft compared to traditional parking structures. By securely storing vehicles in inaccessible parking spots, APS eliminates the opportunity for thieves to break into cars left unattended in the garage. The secure environment created by APS ensures that vehicles are protected from potential theft and unauthorized access.

Improved Personal Safety

Automated parking systems enhance personal safety by minimizing the need for vehicle owners to walk directly to or from their cars. Users can wait for their vehicles in secure transfer cabins, ensuring a safe environment for vehicle retrieval. The requirement of a transponder to access the garage doors further enhances personal safety by restricting unauthorized individuals from entering the parking facility.

Enhanced Security With Automated Parking

By implementing automated parking systems with robust security measures, property owners can create safer parking environments for their customers, reduce liabilities associated with traditional parking structures, and enhance overall security within the facility.

Automated Parking: A Comprehensive Security

Automated parking technology offers a comprehensive solution to common security concerns, making it a preferred choice for property developers and owners who want to optimize customer safety and convenience.

How a Parking Management System Simplifies the Automatic Parking Process

Automated Parking
Automated Parking
By improving efficiency, enhancing user experience, increasing revenue, reducing operating costs, and providing comprehensive oversight and control, this powerful technology simplifies the often stressful process of:
  • Handling space allocation
  • Payment processing
  • Parking enforcement
  • Reporting in various parking facilities

Improved Efficiency

Parking management software's real-time data access and automated reporting capabilities enable quicker decision-making and better space utilization in automated parking systems. This leads to a more efficient operation by reducing wasted time and resources.

Enhanced User Experience

By offering features like reservation systems and in-app payment processing, parking management software makes the parking experience more convenient for drivers using automated parking systems. This elevates user satisfaction and can boost customer loyalty.

Increased Revenue

Parking management software can increase revenue in automated parking systems by optimizing space allocation parking permits and offering advanced booking options. This maximizes occupancy and provides opportunities for additional service offerings.

Reduced Operating Costs

Automation and intelligent analytics in parking management software minimize manual tasks in automated parking systems, reducing the need for physical oversight by property managers and resulting in lower operational costs.

Scalable Solutions

Modern parking management software designed to grow with your needs ensures that your software will continue to serve you well in automated parking systems, whether expanding to new locations or adapting to changing parking demand alone.

Sustainability and Environmental Benefits

Encouraging the use of electric vehicles through features like identifying parking spaces equipped with electric charging points supports sustainability goals in automated parking systems.

Comprehensive Oversight and Control

Detailed insights into space utilization, revenue, and other vital metrics in parking management software provide a clear view of how automated parking systems perform. This enables proactive management and continuous improvement.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

Integration with security systems and adherence to payment regulations in parking management software ensures that data and physical security are maintained in automated parking systems, keeping users safe and protecting your business.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience With Parqour - Book a Free Demo Today

Automated parking systems have transformed how we approach parking operations, streamlining processes, reducing costs, and enhancing the customer experience. Parqour is a prime example of a cutting-edge software platform that simplifies parking operations and improves the customer experience.

End-to-End Management Platform

Parqour offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform that enables parking operators to:
  • Increase revenue
  • Reduce operational costs
  • Enhance transparency
By centralizing all operations on one platform, Parqour eliminates the need to piece together different vendors and integrations, saving time and money.

Real-Time Data and Automated Plate Recognition

Parqour leverages real-time data and automated license plate recognition technology to streamline parking operations and improve efficiency. With a license plate recognition rate of 99.6%, Parqour ensures accurate and efficient vehicle detection, reducing wait times and enhancing the overall parking experience.

Contactless Payments and Online Payment Methods

Parqour offers contactless and online payment options, making the parking experience seamless and convenient for customers. By providing multiple payment options, including online QR payment, Parqour enhances the customer experience and increases revenue for parking operators.

Data Analytics and Insights

Parqour provides valuable data analytics and insights, including real-time occupancy, revenue, utilization, and parking trends. By leveraging data analytics, parking operators can make informed decisions to optimize parking operations, increase revenue, and improve efficiency.

Validation and Permit Management

Parqour simplifies validation and permit management, offering free-flow access for approved drivers. By automating these processes, Parqour ensures smooth access for authorized vehicles, reducing congestion and enhancing the overall parking experience.

Remote Control System and Zero Upfront Costs

Parqour features a 24/7 remote control system that enables parking operators to monitor and manage parking operations from anywhere. With zero upfront hardware costs, Parqour provides a cost-effective solution for parking operators looking to modernize their operations.

Zoning and Violation Detection

Parqour supports zoning and violation detection, allowing parking operators to control POD, VIP, and nested zones efficiently. By implementing these features, Parqour helps parking operators optimize space utilization, enhance security, and improve the overall parking experience.
Shift your parking operation into top gear with Parqour's game-changing software platform. Our comprehensive end-to-end management solution will revolutionize your operations, boost revenue, and enhance the customer experience.

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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