What Is a Car Parking Management System (CPMS)?

Learn how to optimize car parking with effective management systems, ensuring smooth operations and improved user experience.

What Is a Car Parking Management System (CPMS)?
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Are you tired of circling lots searching for a parking spot only to find yourself late for a meeting or event? Parking management systemshave significantly impacted the way we park our vehicles. Learn about parking management systems to facilitate parking operations, reduce congestion, and improve overall parking experience.
Looking to shift your parking operation into top gear? Parqour's solution is what you need to optimize your parking management systems.

What Is a Car Parking Management System (CPMS)?

Parking Management System
Parking Management System

Functionalities of Traditional CPMS

Traditional CPMS mainly relies on manual processes to manage parking operations. These traditional systems usually consist of paper-based ticketing systems where drivers take a ticket upon entry and pay upon exit at a booth manned by an attendant.

Limited Data and Security Features

These systems also have limited data collection capabilities, with minimal data on parking usage and often relying on manual counting or physical occupancy checks. Security in traditional systems primarily relies on physical patrols and may lack advanced features like license plate recognition.

Advancements Offered by Smart CPMS

Contactless Convenience

Smart CPMS is its automated entry and exit systems. These systems use technologies like license plate recognition or RFID tags for contactless entry and exit, making the parking experience more efficient and convenient for users.

Securing Your Spot in Advance

Smart CPMS allows for online parking reservations, enabling users to reserve specific parking spaces in advance through a web interface or mobile app. This feature is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas with limited parking spaces.

A Streamlined Parking Experience

Smart CPMS also integrates mobile app functionalities for payments and navigation, providing users with a convenient way to pay for parking, navigate the facility, and find available spaces. This seamless integration enhances the overall parking experience and streamlines the process for drivers and operators.

Benefits of Implementing a Car Parking Management System

Parking Management System
Parking Management System

Increased Efficiency and Revenue

CPMS automates various tasks traditionally handled by staff, reducing operational costs. For example, automated ticketing eliminates the need for staff to manage ticket issuance and collection. Automated entry/exit reduces reliance on attendants and allows for faster processing times. Data-driven decision-making provides insights into parking usage patterns, allowing for optimized staffing schedules.

Finding a Spot Faster, Maximizing Efficiency

Real-time data on parking availability also plays a crucial role in optimizing space utilization. Reduced time spent searching for parking is crucial, as drivers can quickly locate available spaces through real-time displays or mobile apps, minimizing wasted time searching for parking. Dynamic pricing strategies based on demand can generate additional revenue during peak hours.

Keeping Things Moving Smoothly

Improved enforcement through real-time data aids in identifying illegally parked vehicles, allowing for efficient enforcement. By optimizing parking space utilization and reducing search times, CPMS can contribute to improved traffic flow. Less congestion is a direct outcome of reduced time spent searching for parking, leading to decreased circling and congestion within the parking facility and surrounding areas.

A More Streamlined User Experience

Improved signage through digital signage can effectively guide drivers to available spaces, minimizing confusion and unnecessary lane changes. Lastly, automated entry/exit eliminates delays associated with manual ticket validation or cash payments.

Enhanced User Experience

CPMS offers several features that significantly reduce drivers' time searching for parking. Real-time availability displayed on digital signs or mobile apps informs drivers of available spaces before entering the facility. Parking guidance systems in multi-level parking facilities can direct drivers to available floors and zones.

A Hassle-Free Parking Experience

Pre-booking options through online reservation systems allow drivers to secure a parking space in advance, eliminating the need to search upon arrival. Convenient payment options offered by CPMS include:
  • Cashless payments through mobile apps with credit cards or debit cards
  • Integrated payment kiosks
  • Automated license plate recognition for automatic payment processing upon entry or exit

Improved Security and Data Management

CPMS can improve security in parking facilities through various technological advancements. License plate recognition (LPR) cameras can identify vehicles entering and exiting the facility, deterring unauthorized access and aiding investigations. Access control systems can restrict access to specific areas within the parking facility based on permits or pre-authorized users.

Enhanced Security and Monitoring

Surveillance cameras integrated with CCTV cameras allow for remote monitoring of parking facilities to deter criminal activity. The CPMS collects valuable data on parking usage patterns for decision-making. It tracks parking duration to understand peak usage times, optimize pricing, and analyze usage frequency to identify regular users for potential loyalty programs or permits.

Streamlined Management and Reduced Risk

Vacancy trends provide insights into historical parking occupancy, allowing for adjustments to staffing schedules or operational procedures.
Efficient Electronic Record-Keeping with CPMS:
  • Stores data on transactions
  • Manages reservations
  • Tracks violations
  • Facilitates easy access and retrieval
Electronic records are more secure than paper-based systems, minimizing risks of loss or damage. They also facilitate generating reports and conducting in-depth parking trend analyses.

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Key Components of a Car Parking Management System

Parking Management System
Parking Management System
At the core of a Smart CPMS lies a synergistic combination of hardware and software components. These elements, from sensors to mobile apps, work in concert to deliver the functionalities of a Smart CPMS:
  • Hardware Components
  • Sensors in a CPMS
  • Cameras in a CPMS
  • Software Components
  • Central Management System in a CPMS
  • Mobile App in a CPMS
Sensors play a critical role in a CPMS by detecting vehicle presence and tracking parking space occupancy.
Here are the two main types of sensors used:

Magnetic Loop Sensors

These sensors, installed in the ground beneath each parking space, detect the presence of a metal vehicle chassis, indicating an occupied space.

Ultrasonic Sensors

Mounted on walls or ceilings, these sensors emit ultrasonic waves that detect the presence of a vehicle. Compared to magnetic loop sensors, they can be less susceptible to environmental factors.

Cameras Offer Functionalities Beyond Security Purposes in a CPMS

Parking Management System
Parking Management System

License Plate Recognition (LPR)

LPR cameras capture license plate information, enabling automated entry/exit, access control, and potential integration with law enforcement databases.

Traffic Monitoring

Cameras can monitor traffic flow within the parking facility, allowing for adjustments to signage or operational procedures to optimize traffic patterns.

Incident recording

Camera footage can provide valuable evidence for investigations and insurance claims in cases of accidents or vandalism.

The CMS as the Brain of Smart CPMS

Parking Management System
Parking Management System

Real-Time Data Management

The CMS collects and processes data from sensors, cameras, and other hardware components, providing real-time information on parking availability.

System Configuration

The CMS allows administrators to configure the system, set access controls, define pricing structures, and manage user accounts.

Reporting and Analytics

The CMS generates reports on parking usage, revenue, and other key metrics, providing valuable insights for decision-making.

Integration With External Systems

The CMS can integrate with other software like accounting, access control, and law enforcement databases.

Mobile Apps for a Streamlined Parking Journey

Parking Management System
Parking Management System

Real-Time Parking Availability

Users can view real-time information on available parking spaces within the facility.
The app can guide users to the facility and direct them to available parking spaces.

Mobile Payments

Users can pay for parking through the app using credit cards, debit cards, or digital wallets.

Pre-Booking Options

In some systems, the app allows users to reserve parking spaces in advance, guaranteeing a spot upon arrival.

Parking History and Receipts

Users can access their parking history, view receipts, and manage parking accounts through the app.

Different Types of Car Parking Management Systems

Parking Management System
Parking Management System

On-Street Parking

CPMS can be implemented for on-street parking management to optimize limited street parking availability and improve enforcement.
Here's a breakdown of the functionalities:

Sensor-Based Parking Availability Display

Sensors installed on-street detect vehicle presence and relay data to a central system. This information is displayed on digital signs or mobile apps, guiding drivers to available spaces.

Mobile App for Reservations and Payments

Drivers can use a mobile app to view real-time parking availability, reserve a spot in designated areas (if applicable), and pay for parking electronically.

Enforcement Through Integrated Cameras

Cameras with license plate recognition (LPR) technology can automate parking regulation enforcement. The system can identify vehicles exceeding time limits or parked illegally and issue citations electronically.

Off-Street Parking Facilities

This section explores off-street parking facilities, including various types like parking lots and garages, offering a designated and convenient parking option for drivers. Compared to on-street applications, CPMS offers a wider range of functionalities in off-street parking facilities:

Automated Entry/Exit Systems

These systems utilize LPR or RFID tags to automate vehicle entry and exit without needing tickets or attendant interaction.

Multi-level Parking Guidance

In multi-level parking facilities, digital signage and mobile app integration can guide drivers to available spaces on specific floors or zones, reducing search time.

Payment Integration

Drivers can pay for parking through mobile apps, self-service kiosks accepting cash or credit cards, or automated payment processing upon exit with LPR.

Valet Parking Systems

This section examines valet parking systems, exploring the service-oriented approach in which trained professionals handle parking for patrons, offering a premium level of convenience.
A CPMS can streamline operations and enhance the customer experience in valet parking services:

Digital Queue Management

Customers can use a mobile app or kiosk to enter the queue upon arrival and receive real-time updates on their wait time.

Automated Ticketing and Payment System

The CPMS can handle ticket issuance upon vehicle drop-off and integrate with mobile wallets for contactless payment upon retrieval.

Real-Time Location Tracking

The system can track the location of parked vehicles within the facility, allowing valets to retrieve them efficiently when customers request their cars.

Factors To Consider When Choosing a Car Parking Management System

Parking Management System
Parking Management System

Size and Type of Your Parking Facility

The size and type of your parking facility are crucial factors when choosing a CPMS. Consider the total number of spaces you manage. A simple system might suffice for a small parking lot, while a larger facility with multiple entry/exit points may require a more scalable solution.

Needs Assessment and Capacity Considerations

On-street parking needs differ from off-street facilities. Choose a system designed for your application's specific needs, such as features for mobile app integration or LPR enforcement. The expected traffic volume will impact the system's capacity. If you anticipate high volumes of vehicles entering and exiting, select a system capable of handling peak periods efficiently.


The cost of a CPMS can vary depending on features, scalability, and the number of components required. Determine the core features you need and prioritize them based on your specific requirements. Some vendors offer a one-time purchase fee, while others have subscription-based models. Consider the long-term cost of ownership when making your decision. The initial purchase price might not be the only expense.
When budgeting for your CPMS, consider the following:
  • Installation
  • Training
  • Ongoing maintenance costs

Scalability and Integration

A scalable CPMS can adapt to your future needs. If you anticipate expanding your parking operations, choose a system that can grow with your needs. Look for solutions that offer modular components or easy integration with additional hardware or software. Consider the compatibility of the CPMS with:
  • Existing IT infrastructure
  • Access control systems
  • Accounting software

Security and Data Privacy

Security and data privacy are paramount when a CPMS handles user data and potentially financial information. To safeguard against unauthorized access, the system should encrypt sensitive data like:
  • License plates
  • Payment information
  • User accounts
Implement access controls to restrict unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data within the CPMS. Ensure the CPMS adheres to relevant data privacy regulations in your region, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act).


A user-friendly CPMS ensures a smooth experience for operators managing the system and drivers utilizing it. The operator interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate. It should allow for:
  • Efficient system configuration
  • Data analysis
  • Real-time monitoring of parking operations
The mobile app, if applicable, should be user-friendly with a clear and uncluttered interface. It should offer intuitive navigation, easy access to parking information, and secure payment options.

Vendor Experience and Support

A reliable vendor with a proven track record and excellent customer support is crucial for a successful CPMS implementation. Choose a vendor with experience in your industry and a good reputation for delivering quality CPMS solutions. Ensure the vendor offers comprehensive customer support, including:
  • Technical assistance
  • Operator training
  • Ongoing maintenance services

Fast-Track Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience With Parqour -Book A Free Demo Today

Parqour is a software platform set to change commercial parking lot management and customer experience. Parqour allows parking lot owners to enjoy seamless operations, real-time data insights, automated plate recognition, and contactless payment options, making the parking experience smoother and more efficient for clients and operators.
With an extensive reach spanning over 22 countries and 300+ parking areas, Parqour has already detected over 100 million vehicles. This software platform is designed to:
  • Streamline parking operations
  • Boost revenue
  • Cut operational costs
  • Enhance transparency
It eliminates the need for multiple vendors and integrations, offering a comprehensive end-to-end management solution in one convenient platform.
These innovative features and functionalities make Parqour a commercial parking lot management game-changer. Book a free demo today to discover how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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