What Is an Automated Parking System & 11 Must-Know Vendors

Learn what an automated parking system is and explore 11 top vendors shaping the future of parking technology.

What Is an Automated Parking System & 11 Must-Know Vendors
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Are you frustrated by endlessly searching for a parking spot? Smart car parking systems might be the solution to your parking ordeal. Automated parking management systems offer significant benefits, such as enhancing efficiency and maximizing revenue. Learn how adopting a smart parking system can transform your parking experience in busy urban areas.
Parqour's solution can shift your parking operations into top gear, making them more efficient and profitable.

What Is an Automated Parking System?

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System
The automated car parking system is a mechanical marvel designed to maximize parking space while minimizing land use. This technology is a boon for urban areas where space is premium. APS helps stack cars vertically on multiple levels, eliminating the need for drivers.

Advantages of Automated Parking Systems (APS)

  • Reduces the time required for parking
  • Conserves resources typically used in traditional parking systems
  • Optimizes parking space usage
  • Enhances pedestrian safety by eliminating the need for drivers and passengers to navigate tight parking spaces
  • Available in various types and forms, each offering unique advantages

Fully Automated APS vs. Semi-Automated APS

Fully automated APS requires no human intervention or parking attendants to direct or move cars into the system. In contrast, semi-automated parking systems need human assistance, and an attendant must transport cars into the machine. Semi-automated systems may also require help parking the car once it reaches a parking space. Fully automated systems can accommodate 100 cars or more, while semi-automated systems can accommodate fewer than 100 vehicles.

History of Automatic Car Parking System

The first APS was introduced in Paris, France, in 1905, called the "Garage Rue de Ponthieu." It featured elevators that transported unaccompanied cars to an upper deck, where an attendant would park them in empty spaces.

Early Innovations in Automated Parking Systems

In the 1920s, a Ferris wheel design known as "paternoster" became a popular APS model. This French design allowed eight cars to fit in each compartment, maximizing parking space. By the 1950s, Washington D.C. was home to the first driverless parking garage, marking significant progress in APS technology.
Throughout the 20th century, automatic parking systems evolved to cater to the needs of crowded cities with high parking demand. Today, APS is more common in:
  • Central America
  • Europe
  • Asia

9 Types of Automated Parking Systems

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System

1. Shuttle Parking System

The shuttle system features a pallet exchanger and a conveyor belt, which facilitate vehicle movement between the shuttle and the assigned parking space during operations.
  • Ideal Locations: Basement and outdoor parking
  • Configurations: Available in various sizes, from single to multi-level setups
  • Capacity: Can accommodate large parking capacities

2. Puzzle Parking System

The puzzle system is semi-automated, using combination pallets for horizontal and vertical movement of parking spaces, creating a puzzle-like arrangement for parking/retrieving vehicles. Vehicles enter the parking bay on the ground floor and are transferred to an elevated level using a Car Pickup Pallet. A lift then carries the vehicle to the desired floor for parking.

3. Rotary Parking System

Designed to maximize car storage within two standard parking spots, rotary parking systems can efficiently park six cars. Vehicles enter the ground-floor bay, and a clockwise rotation ensures that an empty bay is always accessible on the ground floor, optimizing space utilization and convenience.

4. Stacker Parking System

Stacker systems use a robotic mechanism to park and retrieve vehicles, reducing the time needed for entry and retrieval by simultaneously moving vehicles vertically and horizontally.

5. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Parking System

Ideal for enclosed parking vaults, AGV systems optimize parking efficiency with multiple levels above, on, and below the ground.

AGV Capabilities

  • Move lengthwise
  • Move sideways
  • Rotate in place
  • Lift and transport vehicles from transfer cabins to designated locations

6. Rail-Guided Parking System

Like AGV systems, Rail-Guided Car systems collect vehicles from parking modules, move them beneath the pallets, and lift them to transport them within the system.

RGC Capabilities

  • Operate in confined spaces
  • Move sideways
  • Move forward
  • Move backward

7. Crane Parking System

Crane systems work on multi-level platforms, using a lift to transfer vehicles. This system simultaneously performs horizontal and vertical movements, placing vehicles on a vertically placed elevator platform for parking or retrieval.

8. Silo Parking System

Silo systems are cylindrical, using a centrally positioned mechanism for parking or retrieving cars, ideal for areas where soil conditions are unfavorable.

Vehicle Parking and Retrieval

  • Vehicles are parked and retrieved one at a time.
  • Axial positioning
  • Simultaneous up-and-down movement

9. Tower Parking System

Tower systems include a vehicle elevator and parking spaces on either side of the shaft, repeating the format across multiple levels. The central unit moves vertically to park and retrieve cars, with a rotary mechanism to drive the vehicle forward.

System Advantages

  • Can be installed inside existing structures
  • Operates without causing noise or vibration
  • Offers an attractive parking solution

Workflow of the Automated Parking System

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System

Entry/Exit Terminal

The entry/exit terminal serves as the interface between the user and the automated parking system. It features a kiosk or touchscreen where users can:
  • Request parking
  • Pay fees
  • Retrieve vehicles
Payment options like credit cards, mobile payments, or RFID tags are integrated for seamless transactions.

Parking Area

Vehicles are stored in an organized, space-efficient manner in this area. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) navigate to transport vehicles to and from parking spaces. Every parking space accommodates vehicles of varying sizes to maximize space usage.

Control System

The brain behind the automated parking system orchestrates vehicle movement and manages operations. It comprises a centralized computer system communicating with entry/exit terminals, AGVs, and other components.

Safety Features

  • Sensors and cameras monitor vehicle movement
  • Detect obstacles
  • Ensure overall safety

Elevator/Lift System

In multi-level automated parking systems, an elevator or lift system moves vehicles vertically between different levels. Lifts or elevators transport vehicles from the entry/exit to designated parking levels. Conveyor belts or transfer systems transfer vehicles between the lift system and parking spaces.

How Automated Parking Systems Work

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System
Upon arrival, drivers are guided to designated entry points with sensors or gates. They drive onto a platform or park in a transfer cabin designed for automated movement.

Precise Vehicle Positioning

The system uses sensors and guide rails to position the vehicle within the parking space, optimizing space usage and preventing collisions. If the vehicle is parked in a transfer cabin, it automatically maneuvers into its parking spot.

Efficient Vehicle Storage Mechanisms

The system moves the vehicle into its storage location using:
  • Lifts
  • Conveyors
  • Robotic platforms
This ensures secure and space-efficient storage.

User-Friendly Retrieval Request Process

Drivers interact with the system using:
  • Mobile apps
  • Card readers
Drivers use these methods to initiate the retrieval process by inputting relevant information for excellent access.

Smooth Vehicle Exit Protocol

The vehicle is transferred back to the driver's location via a transfer cabin or driven out directly. Exit points have sensors and access control mechanisms for a smooth departure process.

12 Benefits of an Automated Parking System

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System

1. Labor Cost Reduction

Automated systems can drastically cut labor costs by reducing the need for full-time attendants. This shift allows parking operators to reallocate staff to more critical, value-adding roles, enhancing overall service without the 24/7 staffing requirement.

2. Increased Space Efficiency

Automated systems maximize available space through precise vehicle placement and stack parking solutions. More vehicles can be parked in the same footprint, potentially doubling or tripling parking capacity.

3. Enhanced Revenue Management

With real-time data and analytics, operators can implement dynamic pricing models that adjust rates based on:
  • Demand
  • Special events
  • Peak hours

4. Operational Efficiency

Automated systems speed up the process of parking and retrieving cars, reducing congestion and minimizing the time cars spend idling.

5. Improved Record Keeping

Digital systems minimize human error and streamline the management of monthly or contract parkers. Operators also gain valuable insights into:
  • Customer behavior
  • Preferences
  • Patterns through data collected by automated systems

6. Sustainability Benefits

Automated systems help decrease carbon emissions and contribute to environmental sustainability goals by reducing the need for cars to idle and drive around looking for parking spaces.

7. Time Savings

Automated systems reduce the time spent searching for parking spots. Cars are quickly directed to an available spot or taken by a robotic system to be parked.

8. Convenience

Features like online reservations, advance payments, and digital entry and exit systems make the parking process smoother and more convenient. Customers can manage their parking needs through mobile apps.

9. Increased Security

Automated parking systems typically have high-level security measures, including:
  • Surveillance cameras
  • Secure data encryption
  • Restricted access controls

10. Reduced Stress

Automating parking eliminates several stress factors associated with parking in crowded lots or garages. Customers avoid the frustration of searching for spots and navigating tight spaces, resulting in a more pleasant overall experience.

11. Accessibility

Automated systems can be designed with enhanced accessibility features, making parking more accessible for individuals with disabilities.

12. Predictability and Transparency

With features like real-time availability and dynamic pricing, customers can easily see the cost and availability of parking before arrival, allowing for better planning and budgeting of their parking expenses.

How Much Does an Automated Parking System Cost?

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System
Several key factors influence the overall cost of installing an Automated Parking System (APS):

Type of System

The type of APS plays a significant role in determining the overall cost. Various systems are available in the market, each with unique features and functionalities. Depending on the project's requirements, developers can choose between types of APS, such as:
  • Tower
  • Puzzle
  • Robotic systems
The pricing for each type varies, with more advanced systems costing more than basic ones.


The number of parking spaces required also impacts the overall cost. As the APS's capacity increases, so does its complexity.
  • Technology and Infrastructure: Larger systems require more advanced technology and infrastructure, resulting in higher costs.
  • Developer Considerations: Developers must evaluate the parking spaces needed to ensure the APS meets project requirements.


The location where the APS will be installed is crucial in determining the cost. Factors influencing the installation process:
  • Land availability
  • Access to utilities
  • Local regulations
Projects in densely populated urban areas may face challenges that affect installation costs. Assessing the location's specifics is essential to accurately estimating the overall cost.

Technology Used

The technology employed in the APS also influences the cost. Advanced features that can add to the overall price:
  • Automated plate recognition
  • Contactless payments
  • Real-time data monitoring
Developers should weigh the benefits of incorporating cutting-edge technology against the additional costs to ensure the chosen system meets their requirements.

Price Range

The average cost of building a concrete ramp garage ranges from $25,000 to $50,000 per space, depending on whether the garage is above or below ground. While pricing Automated Parking Systems can be more complex due to the variety of systems available, generally, the cost per stall of an APS is comparable to or lower than that of a traditional concrete garage.
Advanced APS may come with higher price tags but offer additional benefits such as:
  • Space-saving
  • Faster construction
  • Lower operating costs

Additional Costs

Apart from the initial installation cost, developers should consider:
  • Maintenance
  • Software updates
  • Operational expenses associated with an APS
While maintenance costs are generally lower for APS than traditional garages due to reduced infrastructure and energy consumption, it is essential to account for ongoing expenses to ensure the system's long-term viability.
Automated Parking Systems offer numerous advantages, including:
  • Reduced construction time
  • Lower operating costs

11 Most Promising Automated Parking System Vendors

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System

1. Parqour

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and improves the customer experience. It offers:
  • Real-time data
  • Automated plate recognition
  • Contactless payments

Global Reach

  • Operate in over 22 countries, 300+ parking areas
  • Detected over 100 million vehicles

Comprehensive Platform

  • Offers an end-to-end management solution
  • Aims to increase revenue, reduce operational costs, and enhance transparency

Simplified Operations

  • No need for multiple vendors or integrations.
  • Avoid large capital investments in bulky hardware
  • Manage all operations from one platform

Enhanced Customer Experience

  • Contactless parking and online payment options
  • This leads to higher utilization and reduced operating costs

Key Features

  • 99,6% License Plate Recognition Rate
  • Online QR Payment
  • Third-party API integrations such as Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, and
    • PayByPhone
  • Data Analytics: Real-time occupancy, revenue, utilization metrics, parking trends
  • Validation and Permit Management: Free flow access for approved drivers
  • 24/7 Remote Control System
  • Hardware with zero upfront costs
  • Zoning and Violation Detection: Control POD, VIP, and nested zones
Book a free demo to learn how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

2. T2 Systems

Established in 1994, T2 Systems provides the most comprehensive parking management solutions and services to improve parking. With over 25 years in the parking management market, the company provides PermitNow, a software solution for event parking management for organizations.
The company also manages professional services, including:
  • Permit Management and Enforcement
  • Multi-Space Pay Stations
  • Implementation and Installation
  • FlexPert Services
  • Managed Services
  • Quotation Services and Field Services

3. Flowbird Group

Established in 2003, Flowbird Group is a software company committed to smart city solutions to make personal travel:
  • Simpler
  • Safer
  • Faster
The company improves the living environment by reducing air pollution, simplifying payments, optimizing traffic, and helping cities become economically sustainable.

4. Amano Corporation

Established in 1945, Amano Corporation is a Japan-based company engaged in:
  • Real-time information systems
  • Parking systems
  • Environmental systems
  • Cleaning systems
To create a better world designed for both vehicles and people, the company provides:
  • Parking management software
  • Vehicle guidance systems
  • Flap-lock systems
  • Gate-type systems
  • Bicycle parking systems
  • Parking facility data center services

5. IBM Corporation

Established in 1911, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is a multinational technology company that provides:
  • Cloud solutions
  • Digital workplace,
  • Process design and operations
  • Network services
IBM, in collaboration with San Francisco-based startup Streetline, offers remote sensors that can determine whether parking space is taken up by a car. IBM's Smarter Parking Starter Kit is designed to help people reduce parking congestion and maximize parking fees.

6. Robotic Parking Systems, Inc.

Established in 1994, US-based Robotic Parking Systems, Inc. provides the largest automated parking facility in the world and holds the Guinness World Record for it - not only once but twice. The company was the first to introduce the term "robot parking" and built the first automated parking systems in the Middle East and America.
Robotic Parking System provides innovative parking solutions with improved space utilization and enhanced safety and security for cars and individuals. The system can handle vehicles weighing up to 3 tons and accommodate a wide range of sedans and large SUVs such as the:
  • Escalade
  • Range Rover
  • Porsche
  • Tahoe and more


Established in 1977, SKIDATA, an Austrian company, is the global market leader in access and revenue management. The company provides gateways for parking management at:
  • Mountain sites
  • Fairs
  • Attractions
  • Arenas
SKIDATA has more than 10,000 establishments in over 100 countries in:
  • Ski resorts
  • Airports
  • Cities
  • Shopping malls
  • Stadiums
  • Spa and wellness facilities
  • Trade fairs
  • Amusement parks
In May 2016, the company installed an electronic parking management system at Salzburg Airport. This parking management system can manage 3,200 parking spaces.

8. Streetline

Established in 2005, Streetline leverages ML (Machine Learning) technology to deliver:
  • Real-time Parking Availability and Parking Demand Data
  • Accurate and reliable information
  • Coverage: Off-street and on-street
The company's Parking SDK, or Parking Software Development Kit, is a mobility innovation that accurately calculates real-time parking availability with no or little physical infrastructure. The company holds a patent for a smart parking system that detects a car's presence through ultra-low-power wireless sensors in individual parking spaces.

9. Wisesight

Israeli startup Wisesight allows real-time parking management. The startup uses smart parking technology to provide automatic parking for cities and private customers. The startup’s software solution provides the management parking statistics like:
  • Monthly revenue
  • Revenue potential
  • Congestion gauge
  • Vacancies
The system indicates the users' real-time payment status and automatically sends reminders for the dues. The startup further optimizes parking owners’ profits by enabling them to keep the differential payment as per the area and time. The startup enables centralized and automatic parking management for smart cities as a benefit.

10. Yazamtec

Dutch startup Yazamtec offers parking optimization. The startup develops sensors that communicate with corresponding software platforms to provide real-time parking data and detect vehicles in parking spaces. The solution enables parking operators to monitor the stations remotely.
The startup uses matrix blockchain technology to:
  • Manage
  • Operate
  • Monetize any parking location
The startup develops software solutions that use data analytics to visualize the city’s parking data on one platform. The software then applies artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze the data to generate meaningful insights, enabling urban managers to make quicker and more sustainable decisions.

11. Parkmatic

US-based startup Parkmatic develops automatic parking systems. The startup deploys robotic technology to automate the parking process. The startup’s rotary parking system, Carousel, enables multiple vehicle parking in a compact space. The system automatically rotates the parking plates according to the user's key input and allows drivers to park without any parking attendant.

Rack and Rail System

The startup’s other product, Rack and Rail, lifts the vehicle and places it in the right place with horizontal moving carts. This provides full parking automation for medium—to large projects like malls, hospitals, etc. Automated parking saves the driver’s time and fuel and prevents accidental conflicts.

5 Key Factors To Consider When Selecting an Automated Parking System

Automated Parking System
Automated Parking System

1. Real-Time Parking Availability

Real-time parking availability is a crucial feature to consider when choosing an automated parking system. This feature can significantly improve drivers' overall experience looking for parking spaces.

Improving Driver Experience

By implementing sensory lights above parking spaces or real-time monitoring screens near the entrance, drivers can easily locate available spaces and manage their expectations. This reduces frustration and congestion and enhances the parking system's efficiency.

2. Online Booking and Reservation

The ability to book and reserve parking spots online is a valuable feature that caters to the needs of businesses facing high demand for parking spaces during peak hours or special events. Users can secure their spots in advance by integrating websites or apps into the automated parking system, providing convenience and peace of mind. This feature benefits customers and allows parking operators to anticipate future demands and optimize profits.

3. Payment and Billing Systems

Flexible payment options are essential in a modern automated parking system. Offering various modes of payment, including cashless transactions and integrated mobile apps, caters to users' diverse preferences. Features include:
  • Simplifies the payment process
  • Reduces waiting times
  • Enhances drivers' overall convenience
Managing bills for short-term and long-term parking users becomes more efficient for parking operators.

4. User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface is crucial for both drivers and parking facility managers. For drivers, intuitive integrated apps or websites provide easy access to information about parking availability and other relevant details. Features like voice-activated parking assistance and multilingual support further enhance the user experience.
A user-friendly interface enables parking facilitators to navigate and customize the system efficiently, adapting to changing needs and preferences.

5. Data Collection and Reporting

Data collection plays a vital role in maximizing the efficiency of an automated parking system. Parking operators can make informed pricing, capacity planning, and resource allocation decisions by collecting valuable data on occupancy rates, peak hours, and user preferences.
Advanced parking system technology allows for identifying trends and patterns, empowering operators to optimize their parking facilities effectively.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience With Parqour-Book a Free Demo Today

Parqour is a cutting-edge software platform that simplifies parking operations and enhances customer experience. By offering real-time data, automated plate recognition, and contactless payments, Parqour has successfully transformed parking experiences for both operators and customers. This innovative platform operates in over 22 countries, managing 300+ parking areas and detecting over 100 million vehicles.

Key Features

Comprehensive End-to-End Management Platform

  • Parqour offers parking operators a one-stop solution to streamline their operations, increase revenue, reduce operational costs, and enhance transparency.

Real-Time Data and Analytics

  • Parqour enables operators to access crucial real-time data on occupancy, revenue, utilization, and parking trends, enabling informed decision-making.

Automated Plate Recognition

  • Parqour achieves an impressive 99.6% license plate recognition rate, enhancing security and operational efficiency.

Contactless Payment Methods

  • Parqour supports online QR payment and integrates with popular third-party APIs like Parkmobile, SpotHero, Honk, and PayByPhone, offering customers a seamless payment experience.

Validation and Permit Management

  • Parqour simplifies permit management by providing free-flow access for approved drivers, enhancing operational efficiency.

24/7 Remote Control System

  • Operators can remotely monitor and control their parking facilities around the clock, ensuring optimal performance.

Hardware With Zero Upfront Costs

  • Parqour eliminates bulky hardware investments, making it a cost-effective solution for parking operators.
  • Zoning and Violation Detection: Parqour offers zoning controls and violation detection features to help operators maintain order and security in their parking facilities.
By leveraging these advanced features, Parqour enables parking operators to:
  • Maximize utilization rates
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Deliver a superior customer experience
Parqour’s platform revolutionizes automated parking with seamless integration, advanced data analytics, and contactless payment options.
Shift your parking operation into top gear with Parqour to optimize operations, boost revenue, and elevate customer satisfaction.

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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