How to Build a Comprehensive Parking Technology System

Master the steps to create a comprehensive parking technology system for seamless management and enhanced user experience.

How to Build a Comprehensive Parking Technology System
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Tired of endlessly circling for parking? The frustration of finding a space in a crowded lot or bustling street can be draining. Imagine a solution to simplify this process. In this blog, we will explore how a sophisticated parking management system can transform operations and enhance your customer experience. Learn how to build a comprehensive parking technology system and key considerations.
Ready to shift your parking operation into top gear? Consider Prqour's comprehensive parking technology solution to simplify operations, improve customer satisfaction, and boost your revenue streams.

What Is a Parking Technology System?

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System
In a world where everything is connected, parking lots would be, too. That's what a parking tech system does - it connects the dots between:
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Data Analytics
This is to improve the whole parking experience. Imagine finding a vacant spot in a parking lot using your smartphone before you even leave your house. That's the power of a parking tech system at work.

Benefits for Everyone

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System


No more endlessly circling parking lots in search of an elusive spot. Real-time availability information on mobile apps or signage takes the guesswork out of finding a parking spot. And, with contactless payment options through the app or at pay stations, there's no more digging around for spare change. San Francisco has embraced such systems and reported substantially decreasing drivers' time hunting for parking spaces.

Parking Operators

Parking tech systems offer valuable insights into parking usage patterns, allowing operators to optimize pricing strategies during peak demand hours. Automated enforcement via license plate recognition cameras can minimize manual patrols, enhancing operational efficiency.


By integrating parking tech systems with city traffic management systems, cities can access valuable data on overall parking demand. This data can be instrumental in infrastructure planning, potentially reducing the need for additional parking structures. For example, Los Angeles uses parking sensor data to fine-tune street sweeping schedules, minimizing disruption for drivers.

Characteristics of a Robust Parking Tech System

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System


A well-designed parking tech system can adapt to accommodate parking lots of all sizes and configurations, from small surface lots to multi-level parking garages.


Seamless integration with existing infrastructure, such as parking management systems and payment gateways, is critical for a smooth user experience.

Real-Time Data

Up-to-date information on parking availability and usage is essential for drivers and operators to make informed decisions.


Intuitive interfaces for the mobile app (driver-facing) and central management platform (operator-facing) are crucial for user adoption.


Robust data encryption and access control measures safeguard sensitive user information like license plates and payment details.

The Building Blocks

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System

Sensors: The Eyes of the System

Ultrasonic Sensors

These act like miniature sonars, emitting high-frequency sound waves that bounce off objects like parked cars. Pros include reliability and cost-effectiveness; they work well in most weather conditions. Nonetheless, they may have challenges in tight spaces with parked motorcycles or bicycles.

Magnetic Sensors

Buried beneath the parking space, these detect changes in the Earth's magnetic field caused by a parked vehicle's metal mass. Pros include durability and suitability for outdoor use. Nevertheless, they may be affected by nearby large metallic objects and require pavement digging for installation.

Video Cameras With Image Processing

Cameras provide a visual record of the parking space. Advanced software analyzes the following:
  • Video feed
  • Recognizing vehicles
  • Reading license plates
The pros include additional features like license plate recognition (LPR) for security and access control and the ability to detect other objects. However, they rely on good lighting conditions and may require higher processing power and ongoing software updates.

Signage: Communicating Availability Clearly

LED Signs

These digital displays are bright and visible even in direct sunlight. They can show real-time data on available spaces in different facility zones, efficiently guiding drivers.

Mobile App Integration

An app lets users see smartphone parking availability, providing dynamic updates as spaces become free.

Payment Terminals: Making Payments a Breeze

Credit Card Readers

These secure and familiar readers accept credit and debit card payments for parking fees.
Mobile Payment Integration
Integrating with popular mobile wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay allows for a completely contactless payment experience, increasing users' convenience.

Gate Systems: Streamlining Traffic Flow

Automated Gates

These gates open and close based on authorized access methods, such as License Plate Recognition (LPR) or pre-paid parking tickets for quick entry.

Real-Time Data Insights and Centralized Control

This software platform acts as the central hub, collecting data from all the hardware components:
  • Sensors
  • Cameras
  • Payment terminals
It analyzes this data in real-time, providing insights into parking usage patterns, occupancy rates, and revenue generation. The CMP allows you to monitor parking availability across the facility and generate reports on parking trends and usage patterns.

Mobile App: Putting Power in Drivers' Hands

A user-friendly mobile app empowers drivers to view real-time parking availability in different zones, helping them search directly to open spaces and pay for parking conveniently through the app.

API Integration: Expanding the Ecosystem

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow the parking tech system to connect with existing parking management software and other third-party applications. This enables features like integration with building access control systems and loyalty programs for rewards.

Going Beyond the Basics

Environmental Sensors

These sensors can detect factors like temperature or CO2 levels, guiding drivers toward more eco-friendly parking options.

Wayfinding Systems

Indoor parking facilities can benefit from integrated wayfinding systems that help drivers locate specific parking zones or elevators.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Integration

The system can identify and manage EV charging stations, display their real-time availability, and allow drivers to reserve charging spots.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Parking Technology System

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System

Analyzing Your Lot

Before you can embark on a parking technology system, you need to have a deep understanding of your parking operation. Walking through your space to:
  • Take note of the number of parking spots
  • Traffic flow patterns
  • Any unique features will help you determine sensor placement and signage needs
This exercise is vital to identifying the most pressing needs and goals that your parking tech system should address.

Knowing Your Parkers

Every parking lot has its unique visitors, whether short-term parkers at a grocery store or long-term parkers at an office building. Understanding your users' demographics will help you tailor your parking technology system to meet their specific needs.
Consider whether you need the following:
  • Hourly or monthly rates
  • Mobile payment options
  • Features that align with the parking habits of your customers

Setting Clear Objectives

Rather than having a vague desire for better parking, set clear, measurable goals for your parking tech system. Whether you aim to reduce driver search time by a specific percentage or increase parking revenue, having specific targets will guide you in choosing the most impactful technology for your parking operation.

Researching Parking Tech Options

Sensor Selection

You'll need to evaluate different types of parking sensors. Ground-based magnetic or ultrasonic sensors are generally more affordable but may not perform well in areas with heavy snow or uneven pavement. Camera-based sensors offer additional features like license plate recognition. Evaluate which sensor type best aligns with your parking needs and unique situation.

Software Investigation

Parking management platforms provide various features, such as real-time space availability, mobile payment options, and reporting tools. Determine the features most significant to your parking operation and compare different software options. When selecting the right software, be sure to consider factors like cost, scalability, and ease of use for both you and your staff.

Data Security

The security of your parking tech system is crucial. Research the data security practices of any software platform you consider. Look for features like encryption and user access controls. Ensure that the software company complies with relevant data privacy regulations to protect your customers' information.

Planning for a Smooth Implementation

System Blueprint

Create a simple diagram illustrating:
  • Hardware (sensors, cameras)
  • Software (parking management platform)
  • Data
This blueprint will help you identify any potential gaps or areas that require further planning to optimize your parking technology implementation.

Sensor Placement Strategy

Work closely with your chosen technology provider to determine the optimal sensor placement for your parking lot. The sensors should be strategically positioned to detect vehicles entering and exiting each parking space accurately. When planning camera placement, consider weather conditions and potential obstructions.

Rollout Roadmap

Develop a detailed implementation plan with a timeline for:
  • Installing sensors
  • Cameras
  • Testing the system
  • Training staff on how to use the new technology
Allocate a budget for equipment, software, and any potential unforeseen costs. A well-thought-out implementation plan will help you minimize disruptions to your parking operation during the transition to the new technology.

A Strategic Approach to Parking Technology Implementation

There's no one-size-fits-all solution when implementing parking technology. Take your time to research your options and meticulously plan each step. Once you've identified your needs and goals, chosen the right technology, and developed a smooth implementation plan, you're on your way to a parking tech system that specifically addresses your parking operation's unique needs and goals.

Transform Your Parking Operations: Experience the Power of Parqour

Parqour is a software platform that simplifies parking operations and improves the customer experience. Parqour offers:
  • Real-time data
  • Automated plate recognition
  • Contactless payments

Global Reach and Proven Performance

We operate in more than 22 countries, 300+ parking areas, and have detected over 100M+ vehicles. Parqour offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform to increase revenue, reduce operational costs and enhance transparency.

A Single Platform for Powerful Parking Management

Say goodbye to piecing together different vendors and integrations. No need to spend huge capital on bulky hardware. Control all operations from one platform. Contactless parking and online payment methods make the parking experience easier for your customers too—the end result:
  • Higher utilization
  • Lower operating costs
Book a free demo to learn how Parqour can shift your parking operation into top gear!

Considerations for a Smooth Implementation

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System

Bridging the Gap with Existing Systems

When implementing a new parking tech system, ensuring compatibility with your existing parking management software is vital. Data formats and communication protocols should align seamlessly to avoid data silos or manual data entry.
The system should integrate well with current payment gateways, allowing users to leverage existing payment methods and potentially integrate future payment options. Ensuring holistic integration will streamline operations and enhance user experiences.

Protecting User Information

Encryption is important in safeguarding sensitive user information such as license plates and payment details. Implement strong data encryption practices like AES-256 to scramble data into an unreadable format.
Access control protocols should define who can access user data and at what level, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. Regular security software updates and vulnerability assessments are essential to stay ahead of evolving cybersecurity threats.

Ensuring User Adoption for All

Users have varying technological expertise, so the system interface should be intuitive and user-friendly. Clear instructions and signage can help users navigate the system easily. Providing multi-lingual support, alternative payment options, and training sessions can improve user adoption rates. A dedicated customer support channel can address any queries or concerns, fostering positive user experiences.

System Maintenance

A preventive maintenance plan is crucial for optimal system performance. Essential maintenance tasks for parking systems:
  • Conduct regular system checkups
  • Calibrate sensors
  • Clean cameras
Importance of scheduled software updates:
  • Address bugs
  • Incorporate new features
  • Patch security vulnerabilities
Thoroughly testing updates in a non-production environment before deploying them system-wide ensures smooth operation of the parking tech system.

Pilot Testing and User Feedback

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System

Technical Tweaks

Before launching a new parking system, it is essential to conduct a pilot test to identify and fix any technical issues. This test should be carried out in a controlled environment, such as a specific area of the parking facility with a limited number of users. This enables troubleshooting any glitches in the hardware or software before a full-scale rollout.

Monitoring Performance During the Pilot Phase

During this pilot phase, real-time data on the system's performance should be gathered. Factors that should be closely monitored:
  • Sensor accuracy
  • Network connectivity
  • System response times
This data is crucial in pinpointing areas for improvement and ensuring an uninterrupted user experience when the system is officially launched.

The User Voice

A small, representative group of users should be recruited to test the system during the pilot phase. This group could consist of:
  • Employees
  • Regular customers
  • Mix of both
Their feedback is invaluable in refining the system to meet the actual needs of the target audience. Various feedback collection methods should be utilized to gather user feedback:
  • Surveys
  • Interviews
  • Focus groups
Users should be asked about their experience with the system, any issues, and suggestions for enhancement. This feedback can help tailor the system to better align with user expectations and improve overall satisfaction.

Training and Communication for Security Personnel

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System

Driver Education

User training and support are crucial elements for a successful transition to a new tech-driven parking system. Comprehensive educational programs are among the most effective ways to empower drivers and staff. Targeted training materials tailored to different user groups are essential for ensuring seamless adoption of the new system.
Short video tutorials or interactive guides can help users understand how to find parking using the mobile app, while detailed instructions may be necessary for reserving parking spaces.

Effective Training Methods for Diverse Learning Styles

  • Offer online resources
  • Provide printed guides
  • Conduct in-person training sessions
  • Cater to various learning styles
  • Ensure all users benefit from the training
Practice zones within the parking facility can also facilitate the familiarization process, allowing users to navigate the system's functionalities before full implementation.

Staff Empowerment

Equipping parking staff with the necessary knowledge about the new system's functionalities is equally important. This includes:
  • Training them on how to troubleshoot common user issues
  • Handle cash or alternative payment options
  • Provide comprehensive support to users
By identifying staff members who are comfortable with technology and designating them as system champions, facilities can ensure that users facing difficulties receive immediate assistance. Continuous learning opportunities for staff are essential to keep them updated on system changes and new features, enabling them to support users effectively.

Communication and Marketing

Parking Technology System
Parking Technology System
Effective communication and marketing are vital for keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the transition process. Crafted messages targeting different stakeholders based on their unique needs and interests can significantly improve the adoption of the new parking technology.
Utilize various communication channels to ensure that information reaches a broader audience:
  • Signage
  • Website updates
  • Press releases
  • Social media
  • Community meetings
Transparency during the rollout process helps manage expectations and ensures that users are aware of potential disruptions during the transition.

Highlighting the Benefits

Communicating the advantages of the new parking tech system to all stakeholders is crucial for promoting its adoption and long-term success.

Benefits of a New Parking Management System

  • Convenience for users
  • Improved traffic flow
  • Valuable data insights
  • Increased acceptance by users, businesses, and city officials
Effective communication can help drive enthusiasm for the new technology and encourage stakeholders to participate in its implementation actively.

Simplify Your Parking Operations and Improve Your Customer Experience with Parqour -Book A Free Demo Today

Parqour, a cutting-edge parking technology platform, simplifies parking operations and enhances the customer experience. It offers a comprehensive end-to-end management platform that helps parking operators increase revenue, reduce operational costs, and to improve transparency.
With Parqour, you can bid farewell to the hassle of piecing together different vendors and integrations. You no longer need to invest in bulky hardware, as you can control all operations from one streamlined platform.

Frictionless Payments & Convenience

One of Parqour's most attractive features is its contactless parking and online payment methods, which make the parking experience seamless and convenient for your customers. By offering these, Parqour ensures a higher utilization rate and lower operating costs.

Core Features of Parqour

Parqour boasts an impressive 99.6% license plate recognition rate, online QR payment, and seamless integration with third-party APIs like:
  • Parkmobile
  • SpotHero
  • Honk
  • PayByPhone
The platform also provides valuable data analytics, offering real-time information on occupancy, revenue, utilization, and parking trends.

Enhanced Efficiency & Control

Parqour simplifies validation and permit management, providing free-flow access for approved drivers. Parqour's 24/7 remote control system gives operators complete control over their parking operations, no matter where they are.

Additional Advantages

Parqour also offers hardware with zero upfront costs, making it an attractive solution for parking operators looking to modernize their operations without a substantial initial investment. The platform also assists in zoning and violation detection, allowing operators to control zones for different types of users, including:
  • POD
  • VIP
  • Nested zones
Are you ready to shift your parking operation into top gear? Book a free demo today to see firsthand how Parqour can transform your parking business.

Written by

Dilyara Karzhau
Dilyara Karzhau

Chief Business Development Manager at Parqour

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